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The Zimmerman jurors are starting to talk...


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This is an interesting take on what went on in the jurors minds during the trial and deliberations. This was on USAToday.com. Here is the link. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/07/15/anderson-cooper-zimmerman-juror/2519569/

When the six jury members in the George Zimmerman trial went in for deliberation, three were for acquittal, one was for second-degree murder and two were for the manslaughter charge, one of those jury members told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Monday. But as they reviewed the evidence, the jurors felt that Zimmerman truly feared for his life when he pulled the trigger.

The juror's identity was not revealed, but was identified as "B-37," on Anderson Cooper 360°.

She said that she wanted to remain "cautious" and didn't want her face shown. Earlier Monday, literary agent Sharlene Martin said she had signed one of the Zimmerman jurors to write a book about her experience on the panel, and also identified that juror as B-37, which was the juror's official court designation during the trial.

That juror said Zimmerman was "a man whose heart was in the right place," but he went too far and did not use good judgment.

Zimmerman, 29, a neighborhood watch volunteer in a gated townhouse community, shot and killed Trayvon Martin, 17, on Feb. 26, 2012. Zimmerman, who is Hispanic, claimed he shot the unarmed African-American teenager in self-defense.

That juror said she didn't think the shooting was racially motivated and that Zimmerman would have reacted the same way to someone of any race.

She and the other five members deliberated for more than 15 hours before finding Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter Saturday.

She added that Zimmerman did have the right to carry his pistol, but he should have stayed in his car that night and not have gotten out to follow Trayvon.

She did think that Zimmerman did have the right to own a pistol.

"I think he has every right to carry a gun," she said. "I think it's everyone's right to carry a gun" as long as they use it responsibly.

The juror said that she thinks it was Trayvon who threw the first punch in the subsequent physical altercation that night and that she believed Zimmerman's account of what happened that night.

"I think George was pretty consistent and told the truth basically," she said. She said that both sets of parents likely believe that it was their child calling for help on the 911 tape. "They are your kids you want to believe they are innocent," she said.

As for the juror herself, she was "sure" that it was Zimmerman calling for help.

She said that the laws they had to consider were "very confusing" so they took their time to think through it all carefully. Then, after they gave the bailiff their decision, they cried.

"It was just hard thinking that someone had lost their life and nothing else could be done about it," she said. "It's a tragedy that this happened."

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Interesting. Even though based on my understanding of the Florida law I was inclined to agree with the jury's decision. What sickens me is the publicity the case got to start with by the media and then how the media covered the entertainment industry's response. Scary times we live in ...

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this statement from juror B-37 speaks the truth: That juror said she didn't think the shooting was racially motivated and that Zimmerman would have reacted the same way to someone of any race.

It is shameful that our justice department brought this case to trial claiming a racially biased defendant, when in fact they had launched their own investigation into the possibility of Zimmermann being racist, and found that he not only wasn't but was the complete opposite.

It is both sad and shameful that Obama and Holder are both claiming racism when in fact they know it wasn't.

Who are the real racists here; the white Hispanic defendant or the two white blacks who brought the case to trial?

Edited by skyhunter
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