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Back!...the farmer planted corn last year and I lost my field view...the porch sits just 50 ft off the edge of this field and I have gotten some great pics ...The deer are now hitting his clover big time and last night we had 5 doe 2 sets of twins a single fawn and two rather high racked 4pts...man if they can survive the Vermonters and my other neighbor they will be great deer in 2-3yrs years...It would be nice..if they would hang around so I can watch them mature...they were all hopping and chasing and playing ...got to within 50 yards of me and never noticed...I will switch the binoculars for the camera next time.


It's also given me a chance to really see the fawn survival rates...Mr B came home to tell me there were 4 Fawns in the lower field...and these guys were up behind the house at that time...so if these make it through this winter...Boom...there will be a lot of deer around next year...we are all getting older and not taking as many as before...I have cut down On my doe takes...kids gone...Mr.B not eating red meat...I use to take 4-6 deer a year...usually 3 now



Edited by growalot
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