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Quality of hunting in counties


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I have been hunting in Colombia county for years and am thinking about maybe buying some land of my own in Delaware county. Can anyone give their thoughts on how they compare or anyone who hunts Delaware county give some feedback? The town in Delaware I was looking at was Denver but am open to suggestions. Thank you.

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Denver huh?, small town..... we have a house in Denver........can't think of any state land open, but there's more and more dep (city owned) land opening up.....it's so-so, but seems to be getting better....where about's you looking?

No where in particular but was up there this weekend and liked the area... I know the hunting in Colombia has always been great since I've been hunting there and wanted to know how Delaware compared to it

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No where in particular but was up there this weekend and liked the area... I know the hunting in Colombia has always been great since I've been hunting there and wanted to know how Delaware compared to it

Delaware County is a big area and I'm sure the hunting varies from area to area........mostly private land in Denver but DEP land close enough for travel to not be an issue....where about's did you visit?

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