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They are getting goofy...


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Yesterday afternoon Angel and I (she still has her bell on) walked down the drive to pick in the garden across the street...when 20ft infront of us pops a doe coming up out of the gully...she trotted past us to the clover field 50 ft away and started eating...Well angel just looks at me like "Can I Mom?" ..of course I said no and we watched her...even the cat came out to watch...lol...so I grab the bell on the collar and we keep walking...she looks up unconcerned and continues to eat...I can't have that!..I yell "hey Danger here...what are you thinking?!...she looks at the 3 of us for a moment and goes back to downing clover...I yell again..." you are looking to get shot in a few days ...DANGER!!"..nothing...we past her and came back arms loaded with goodies and there she is watching us walk by still in the same general area......I think she got into some over ripe fruit some where...she was so brazen she had to be high....lol

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I get that all the time in my front yard. There is a huge flower bed that acts like a magnet for deer. So everytime I see them out there, I knock on the window. Well that doesn't work anymore. They just look up and then go back to munching plants and bushes. So now I have to open the front door and yell at them. Sometimes that doesn't even work, so I have to step outside and wave my arms while yelling at them. They stand there looking at me and then eventually mosey on out of the yard ears back and looking kind of irritated.

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