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questions for real hunters

bob ny

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we live on 10 plus acres,all woods except where the house is. Two sides are adjacent to a hunt club,no problem. the other side is next to a campground.we post every year and somehow the signs nearest the campground get torn off. my lawyer says as long as the signs are gone i can not have trespassers arrested . I can only ask them to leave.i have approached the camp ground leaders to explain the rules to their members. they say they have talked and sent a letter out to each member.They also say that maybe they are strangers using campground property to enter ours.

I have not hunted in years but most real hunters will respect others property.i have offered the hunt club to make a drive of my swamp .the deer seem to migrate there when the shooting starts.

any ideas i can use to stop the trespassing would be appreciated  thank you  bob w.

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You do not have to post to ask people to leave or have them charged - but it is easier to get a conviction if it is. Take a 10 ft stepladder in and put the signs higher then can be easily reached. You only have to post the corners and every 600ft ( I believe ) to meet the legal defination. If you can document that you have notified the club it would help. Send a certified letter they have to sign for. Since they claim to have notified the members, it should be no problem letting them know that zero tolerance is the rule, if that is what you want.

Remember though with only 10 acres, chances are you are going to need to recover a deer eventually from one of the neighbors - work out the rules you all are comfortable with prior to needing them. 

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