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I am a relatively new hunter and doing my first year of bow hunting. Today I took my son on some state land and we came upon a host of rubs just off the access road, these were new rubs on some small and some thick trees 4 inch diameter. The rubs were kind of in a cluster, with a line formed after leading to a huge bedding area (top of the hill) about 50 yards away. My question is with this knowledge what is the best way to hunt it? I can't find where the food source is yet, my five year old tires easily but I have a good general idea of the trail made on the other side of the access road.

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I would hunt the rub line as close to the bedding area as you can get without spooking the deer. Take the wind direction into consideration too. Most of the time it blows somewhere from the west (W,NW,SW) so you should be on the east side of the bedding area and rub line. Hang a stand and hunt it ASAP, because when they start chasing does around they wont run their rublines as much.

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