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tricky fox crawling into sets


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Yep you have a trapwise fox. Were you using bait or lure? Is it spoiled? They will roll in spoiled lure like domestic dogs.

You could elevate your set like atop an anthill; then place bait directly underneath.

The stepping stone set in shallow water. Place  a rock in the water then set your trap on it; cover with grass. Then set another one to put lure on.

The campfire set. make a fire 2ft around, then throw some chicken legs in and let them burn up. You have to let the fire/coals completely cool so your trap springs don't get weakened from the heat. Now just set your trap(s) in the ashes. They will paw through the ash looking for food. 

Good luck. They can drive a fella batty, but at least they are working your sets!

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