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Christmas Dinner

the blur

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Haha! This year the wife made swedish meatballs and lasagna and used venison. Her mother "hates" venison, so we made a point not to tell anyone we used venison so we coud get her unadulterated opinion. Sure enough "wow these meatballs fantastic, and the lasagna too!" My brother and sister inlaws love it, they were hoping we would prepare some. Some people are changing their attitude after watching the eye opening shows they have about slaughter houses, and the pink slime ordeal. All natural, free range, lean.... what's not to love?

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My 11 year old daughter loves venison. My wife doesn't care for it because she says "it stinks". I cooked up a tenderloin last week for my daughter and me. I jokingly asked my wife if she wanted a bite and was shocked when she tried it. She had 8-10 bites and admitted it was good!!!!!

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Me and my wife had a pot roast contest. She did beef her way, I did venison in my cast iron roast pot. Didn't tell anyone. The venison disappeared. Two days later we spilled the story. Now every time I make a roast I'm asked if its that disgusting venison. Fine, more for me. My vegan niece makes an exception for fresh back straps but "Won't eat anything with a face"

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