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WTB Angle head flashlight

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I picked up one of these flashlights at a garage sale this spring in not working condition. It is missing some parts and I  would like to find another maybe complete one. The hunt is on. I have seen them new on eBay for under $15 so if anyone has one they do not need or see one at a sale at a decent price, let me know. I'd appreciate it. It can be a Fulton model or a GT Price model as they are interchangeable. I contacted Fulton for parts and they have a $100 order minimum or else they charge a below min fee of $15. The cost of the parts I wanted came to $5.64. Not paying $21 for parts plus shipping I'm sure. 


My wife thinks I'm nuts when I told her I could start a fire with it using some steel wool. I showed her last weekend and she is now a believer but still thinks I am nuts. Go figure!

 I think there will be a picture attached and if not there is a link to follow. PC is not working so I am using the Kindle. 

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My Dad was in the Army but the only gear he had was his duffle bag and a few coats with his name on it. My brothers and I wore the coats when we played guns in the woods with all the other neighborhood boys. Try doing that nowadays.
I saw it at the garage sale and it peaked my interest for camping so for $.50 I believe it was a good deal even if it is missing parts. I really want another for my son who is 8. He likes it because it is different from today's flashlights and it looks cool.

Edited by Zemmer18
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  On 6/16/2014 at 11:33 PM, Zemmer18 said:

DONE Thank you very much Predate. Was a pleasure to meet you today. 


 I'll let you know when the Susky turns on. I can't wait for the smallies to start hammering top water baits!I love fishing for them on the Chenango too, all the way up to the Forks.

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