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coyote hunting


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hello everyone ,i'm going to try the coyote hunting thing . there are so many in the area that i turkey and deer hunt in that it should give me agood chance to bang one .(every night that i went out deer hunting i heard them bark and howling).i have triead it a few times in the past with no luck . i was wondering if someone could give me some advice . like when is the best time to go , what are the best calls and when is the best time to use a certain call.how long to call,when to move to another area , how far to move to another area ,i just bought a electronic call with a bunch of calls on it .any help would be appreciated thanks,DAN

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in my exp the wind is the most crucial thing. They are more keen on the wind than deer. go all out wash all yur cloths in scent free detergent. spray yourself down even use scent waffers. i have had better luck in the middle of the woods rather than fields. Its hard to get them to cross fields. at least for me.  They are also very smart if you get one to come in make your shots count because if you dont you just educated him and he will educate the others.

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