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Watch the supermoon tonight


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as a scientifically literate person, can i put the "supermoon" into perspective?


we have a full moon every 29.5 days, we'll say 4 of those a year is "super" and due to our elliptical orbit  the moons naturally are different sizes during the full phases.


if a "small" full moon was shrunk into a 7" pizza a "average" full moon would be a 7.5" pizza...and a "large" full moon would be an 8" pizza.


now using this scale do you know how much larger a super-moon would be?


the answer is 8.0001" pizza....super-moons are not special and are vastly overrated as far as astrological events go, sorry i know this was just a fun story, science nerds get emails about this moon thing a lot  just trying to get it heard.


also i should credit these numbers to where i got them, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson,astrophysicist,cosmologist,chair member(i think president but im not 100% sure on all his roles) of the Hayden planetary society, museum of natural history chair,physics professor at Princeton uni,author...yadda yadda the list goes on

Edited by fisher2
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