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Really Sad!!!


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Well opening day wasn't a very good one for me.  On my way to my hunting spot I hit a 6 point buck with my truck.  I struck it pretty good and it layed in the middle of the road.  To make it even worse me and my buddy were both pulled over with our 4 ways going trying to alert traffic about the deer in the road.  Well one truck didn't seem to interested and ran the poor thing over again.  I called the cops and they were on there way.  I told my buddy to go meet my dad and just get on with your day.  Even after the second truck the deer still wasn't dead.  Another guy pulled over and helped me get it out of the road.  I figured it was paralyzed and wasn't able to move.  It was pretty torn apart especially after the second truck.  It took an hour for the cop to get there and ten minutes before he did the deer got up and walked away.  I told the cop everything and he said he would go up and see if it was near where it went back into the woods and then he would call me to come back and get it.  I never recieved a call though.  Really discouraging situation.  This is the first deer I ever hit.  I could have easily slit its throat but I think its illegal and that the cop has to kill.  Not sure though but does anyone know what the law is?

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I almost hit 4 doe on the way up. (opening day)  Locked up the brakes pretty hard.  one brushed the bumper, and ran off.  Last deer I saw all day.

You can't shoot maimed deer.

Maybe you can stab them to death....  They can't write you up for discharging your gun then.

I can't think of any laws about stabbing them to death........

Maybe a DEC person could answer that question.

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