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you can shiphides to a comerical tannery anywhere. a much better product than self or local tanning. Many taxidermists use comercial tannerys as the end product is much better and the regulations on tanning chemical is cost prohibitive for most taxidermists, or they use a less effective method.

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Bone Seeker is right on.  Sivco Fur is a very good option.   If you live near Cannesteo you have a wonderful nearby resource:  https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Sivko+Fur+Inc.


They quoted me $45 for a cape a couple years ago and will take hides and capes by mail.  At the time I decided to take have a shoulder mount done professionally instead of doing it myself and took to it to Keith in Forestport  (I'm an amateur taxidermist).   Keith is a great taxidermist by the way.   I spoke to Ann Farkas at Sivco and she was really nice to deal with.  I hope to send them a cape or two  sometime soon.

Edited by adkbuck
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