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I have ever been out ever...between the weather and now I can't hunt the night before pt two times a week...If I get one and can't get a hold of guy to take it, I have to worry about getting it quartered before going to bed...I know the knee isn't up to a rush processing job...but the weather has been not conducive to hunting for me. Mr. B has nothing to do with any archery deer period...Well, he will help get it on the pole but that's it. But the other night he said...Well you just get the rope hooked to the gamble throw it over the pole and hook it to the winch now....So I guess he's planned that out as well...lol

In these winds...I'd be afraid to fling an arrow at a deer....never been one to hunt in high winds and moderate rains.

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Grow. I normally do not complain about about things that happen or have happened to me in my life , and I am guessing a good 20 years more then yours.I am a 1 man show,with a house ,animals and enough property to keep me,myself and I busy year round.( My Choice ) for proberly the last 20 years.I have had my share of accidents, operations and daily pains.You just learn to cope with them. Get that knee taken care of as soon as possible , go to PT, So you might miss a lot of hunting this year but  the deer and other animals will still be there. And you will be in better shape to give it your all later on.

I my self prefere not to shoot a deer in this warm weather unless it is at least a 3year old doe or by me ( has to be ) a 6 point or better buck.Do not have a chest freezer, I have to take it 20 miles to be butchered.Good thing for the 4 wheel drive JD tractor with the bucket on front to bring it down and put in the pick up..

Just hang in there an take care of your body first.And keep everybody here informed how things are going.I know everybody will be hoping the opperation turns out well.

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Well OMG...I re-read that and it did sound complainy....but I was just thinking out loud...it occurred to me as I was cruising threads, I'm usually out every day...Mentioning the weather was more to see if anyone else had the weather effecting how they hunt....It's my choice to hold off in weather in the mid 60's during the day and 40's at night. That is the same for mentioning the fling arrows in high winds and moderate rains...to get other to give opinions on what they do.

I'm in the hills of the finger lakes...We usually start getting a lot of wind this time of year but this year it has been a bit wild...and rarely in the direction the weather stations say it's suppose to be switching constantly.

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Stone...Yep same thing at our camp in Alfred cabins at the top and most of the hunting is on the wind (west southwest slope ) side of the hill the valley at camp is much narrower than here at home...maybe 500yrds wide, most houses are built on the hill sides...hhmmm wonder why I have bad knees hunted there for years  before anyone ever had a 4 wheeler...LOL :cheese: ...the winds howl up the hill in the fall and winter and swirl all over the place....can't say the deer don't have the advantage... ;)

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