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International lawsuits threaten Americans' 2A rights

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  • International lawsuits threaten Americans' 2A rights: America's Second Amendment is deemed as a threat to the rest of the world. At least that's the narrative being used by the anti-gun group Global Action on Gun Violence (GAGV). The new organization recently raised a lawsuit representing Mexico against American firearms manufacturers and gun dealers over the claim that they are fueling cartel violence in Mexico. GAGV sees this as a potential new angle to exert international pressure on the U.S. to further limit Americans' Second Amendment rights. In its lawsuit, GAGV asserts that U.S. firearms policy violates its human rights obligations. This is an underhanded tactic to target American firearm manufacturers and blame them for the criminal actions of others. It seeks to further the entirely false claim that guns and not the individuals wielding them are responsible for crimes.

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