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West Ft. Ann Deer jackings & Tresspassing Problems

Hogtown Hunter

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I hunt in the Hogtown area of West Ft. Ann, west of Lake George and this year have found that the "outlaws" have come to town or maybe they have been here all along. Every day you can see 2 or 3 road hunters early AM and late PM. Shots fired before dawn and after sunset. My group has come across 5 doe carcasses with the backstraps and rear removed all the way from the Boy Scout camp to Dacy Clearing to Sleeping Beauty. If we saw 5, how many others are out there? Much of the land from Boy Scouts to the Hogtown parking lot is posted and these people have reported a high number of trespassers jacking deer on "well posted" property. Even a local who claims to be an outdoor writer has his gang brazenly trespassing and harvesting (even does) on others property. Once the word gets out, I don't think his books will sell as well as he thinks. We have contacted the Sheriff about the trespassing and Encon about the jackings, but the violations continue. We have even given the Sheriff and EnCon a photo of the trespassers (they posted their deer kill), but apparently someone has to witness the action - get names and numbers, etc. And because the Sheriff and EnCon are low on money, they can only come around once a month or so.

Maybe that Green County off duty Sheriff was just throwing out some warning shots at someone who was not following hunting or property laws, eh?

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Maybe that Green County off duty Sheriff was just throwing out some warning shots at someone who was not following hunting or property laws, eh?

Thats a pretty ignorant statement. It is illegal to shoot or shoot at a trespasser unless you are defending yourself from imminent danger.

Ill tell you one thing, if you shoot at me on purpose, youd better hit me because you just gave cause to defend myself, and I wont miss you.

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