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Hare to a hole ? Yes..

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Last sunday's hare hunt adventure.

Barely any snow...just a patch here and there.

Hunted 3 hours no jumps.

Moved a different spot another state forest and not 50 feet off the road I spy a hare sitting in a 10 foot deep depression in the ground.

I decided to let the beagle sight chase it And track it.

The dog sees it jump out and begins barking trailing almost immediately.

I maneuver Into an open area;

But 50 yds or so away suddenly the barks stopped.


I'm thinking a hole ?

I move to where gunner is and find an old house foundation with a hole aside a tree.

I immediately remembered that it was the same hole from last year's wounded hare I shot at in a foot of snow .

Go figure!

Hare do go to ground .

Contrary to popular belief.

I'm thinking it may have been a female possibly?

Either way a smart hare .

We didn't jump another the rest of the day.

Rain came around 2pm so I headed home.

I'm glad the dog seen it at least.

Those hare  sit tight ! 

Till next season I hope this hare reproduces.




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