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Dec 1 hunting


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Did anyone go out today ? It rained most of the night and did the wet snow thing this am . I had to do some digging and draining in the back yard 1st thing this am .

My sister in law said the creek that had been ankle deep was probably knee high with water this morning . If it had been like that opening day of gun season , I could have gotten the doe out of the gulley by boat !

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A lot of the same here FE. Got out for a couple hours in a fresh 8" of white stuff from morning till 2. Crick I normally can cross comfortably runs about a 1-1 1/2ft. Today she was swollen well above the banks. Got an emergency blowdown crossing across a beaver dam that's usually 5ft above the water.......not today. Water was flowing over the top of it when I first went in. Seems to be subsiding some finally. Heavy snow had limbs falling everywhere as well......never did see a deer with all that snow clinging to the branches.

Sure was pretty out there though. :)

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I made it out this afternoon for about 3 hrs. Did some still hunting in the fresh snow on the way to my stand which is about a 20 min walk from the house.  The area I go through has 2 small creeks that run under the path. The whole area was under about 8 inches of water for about 150 yrds. I missed a doe high. Pretty glad I did becuse I would've had to get her back through all that water.

Your right it was pretty. It definetly made for a lot less visibility. Harder to see then if there were leaves on the trees.

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