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I hadn't seen this buck since the end of August.  Saturday morning I had the right wind so I sat in my favorite stand.  Well at that time of morning before the sun rises when you can see outlines moving in the woods this guy showed up.  I could barely make out the rack through the binocs but could see that it was pretty wide and the body was huge.  He stood there 40 yards from me for what seemed like a few minutes and then headed up the hill into the thick stuff.  It was great to see him since I had no signs of him since August.  My archery buck tag is filled, so I am hoping to catch up with him during gun season.  I grabbed my cam and moved it here.  So I checked the cam today and was surprised to see him on video.  Now that I know he's here I probably won't hunt that stand until then.  This is the mouth of my entrance trail to my stand (that he walked up on Saturday about 1.5 hrs after I did) that faces my newly planted winter wheat field.  I also have a stand on the field edge about 50 yards north of the trail for different wind.  Something to look forward to for gun season!  The links to the videos are below.











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