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Buying land in delaware cty.

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I am looking at buying a little 5 acre piece of land in hancock, delaware Cty. There is already a 30' travel trailer that has been there for a couple of years, is it legal for me to keep this on the property year round? It will only be occupied a few weekends a year. Anyone else have a camp like this? Anyone have insight on buying in this area? This is a one time shot for me, I don't want to spend the money only to find out I can't use the land how I want. Thanks for any help you can offer.

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I had a camp in North Pharsalia on 12 acres, I had the camper on cement blocks and no electric, running water, or septic. I made sure I checked the town laws to keep the site as just land and it was tax as such. I did have a issue when I added electric, had to show the electric was just a plug in to the pole and not a electric on all the time, as I would only use for a few weekends... I would check first so no problems after you pay good money for your dream site. My location was next to 7500 acres of state land. Made a great camp for lots of years, when I retired I built a home on the site, sold it a few years later to be closer to the grandkids...

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The end of this  month and the next month are the best time to look for property in the Catskills, It is when we get the Spring thaw and you will see where the land is wet and or under water. When we were looking for property an uncle that lived up here would come with us after we found a piece of property and steered us away from 5 plots that we thought were great.

Water, a lot of locals up here buy bottled water. Elec. , does the trailer have a generator ?. and how far to the nearest power source .A 30' camper must have some sort of forced hot air heating system.

Heat a 100 pound prophane tank could be your best friend for heating and cooking during hunting season.

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