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Saw a tom trying to breed a hen this am


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Went out with my nephew this morning.First spot we had a gobbler a few hundred yards onto a neighboring property.By the time the sun came up the mosquitos were so bad you couldn't even breath,I had forgotten the bug spray and our head nets so we packed up and headed to the truck and got sprayed down.After that spots fizzled we went to another place I hunt and in the field we watched a tom pushing a hen down to the ground,as soon as he tried to get on the top she would jump.There was 2 other hens watching the show also.Not to be a killjoy or anything but we did our best to help the hen get rid of her pesky suitor but after we parked and went through the trail to that area he and she were gone,The other 2 hens were still there but he was long gone with his main squeeze. There is a brush choked field off the other edge of the property so I imaging he went in there.Slow but fun day,cant wait for this heat and humidity to go down a bit!!

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Some years ago we were watching a pair of turkey's mate, I was outside hubby inside. When they were done a fox jumped out at them! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I ran I so excite, tripped and slammed into door. Lol.

We also have seen deer mating, I took pictures and lost the roll before I could take it to get developed

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