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270 win reloading - Savage Axis Rifle


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Brass - hornady , winchester , FC

bullets , SST 140g (#27352) and gameking 130g (1820)

all loads with the gameking bullet with hornady and FC brass chamberd fine

the SST bullets in the FC brass wont chamber , can get the bolt handle down
without alot of force.

the only SST that chamberd was in winchester brass.

9 of FC brass wouldnt chamber.

trim , 2.52 to 2.53 , OAL on SST 3.222 , OAL on gamkings 3.303

Any Ideas on the SST no chambering ?



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All casings full length resized ?

If so, possibly the ogive on the SST is farther forward on the bullet than the Sierra and the bullet is contacting the lands..An easy check would be to seat the SSTs a little deeper in the case on one of the rounds that doesn't chamber well and see if that helps.

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Providing that all cases were FL resized, it seems that seating depth is the most likely issue...You are already seating the SSTs to a shorter COL, but those plastic tips can make a big difference, as can basic bullet shape. Now if you are neck sizing, that's another variable to be considered. I full length resize all of my hunting loads.

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thanks for the replies guys , the gameking bullet longer and the ogive on it is like a fat hump

and with the SST there like a needle ,, its not the ogive or the sst tip ,,


found out FC brass is soft and my full length sizing die needed  a 1/2 more turn down

to set the case neck shoulder back some. FC brass chambers fine now in the rifle.


*The FC brass was range finds



Edited by JimMac
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  On 8/19/2015 at 12:13 AM, Pygmy said:

Providing that all cases were FL resized, it seems that seating depth is the most likely issue...You are already seating the SSTs to a shorter COL, but those plastic tips can make a big difference, as can basic bullet shape. Now if you are neck sizing, that's another variable to be considered. I full length resize all of my hunting loads.


It seems you were incorrect.

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