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unnessasary time eaters...


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A 5min. Gander order on line...that turned into a 48 min. whoohaaa... :threaten:  They printed a 60.00 reward card wrong... finally I noticed 1 # missing and guessed..and was right...then they tried to say  one of the cards I used had no balance left when the cards came to more than the order......Well thats how it its...you don't get a balance back...like hell!....that was 3 transfers :rolleyes:

The problem ...people that they say that to going Oh OK...NO it's not OK! imagine the money they collect doing that...

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I used to get stuff through Gander but really just Cabelas now.  I've never had any problems.  Cabelas makes me fully aware that I've got cabelas bucks piling up though.  I start to get emails, special offers, and mini catalogs like nobodies business. haha  I just keep adding to the pot though until I want to go on a shopping spree.  I rolled out of there with a CVA muzzleloader and scope once without even reaching in my pockets.  the cashier was laughing and the customer behind me with a few expensive things looked like he was going to light me on fire.

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Ya I'm a bit over 600.00 worth this year...just dropped $140.00 in rewards...Mr B uses the Cabelas. I use the Gander...this is the first time the cards have been a real issue and the second time I've had problems with you don't get a balance back never have...imagine their surprise when I said...I keep impeccable records and this card : # ......... expiration date 03/2012 for the amount of $20.00 had a balance of .89 that I later redeemed. Would you like me to pullout and recite the #'s of other cards over the years that balances were given and then used? HOLD....your gift card will arrive 9/18 thank you. :rolleyes:

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