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Background Checks

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UNIVERSAL Background checks don't work unless every firearm is registered.  There is no other way to know it's transfer history.  That's why the anti-gun Leftists are pushing it.  It leads to confiscation.

Plus, they get to decide what qualifies as a reason to deny your right to own a firearm.  DWI, false arrest, incorrect info in your file, a visit to a doctor for a brain problem, being a veteran, being old, and being a Conservative have all been suggested as good reasons to deny a gun purchase.  And that's just the short list.

And if She Satan wins this election, you will see Leftist SCOTUS replacements create a Leftist majority, who will rule the 2nd Amendment can be infringed as much as the government wants to infringe on it, and all of this will be legal to do.

Anyone who thinks giving that much power to a government that isn't your friend, is nuts!


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