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Cam test

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Well I left my browning 2016 strike force elite HD and a few years old moultrie  990 ( I think that is the model , it has a viewer built in ) at camp since 12/3/16  . One cam has Duracell and the other energizer . The browning uses six batteries to eight of the moultrie , both got regular alkaline .We are in the tug hill plateu so cold and snow hammered both cams .  At some point I think both were under the snow due to heavy lake effect .

I can't wait to see what survived for deer and cam !!!! 

I'll post results when I return 

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Duracell and the browning won hands down . The 2016 strike force elite HD took 240 pics since December of 2016 and was still at 83%. When I got to it ,it said card full  but still took my picture , I can't explain that one. I thought the 8 gig card would have thousands of photos since it said card full, but only 240


The  older moultrie 990 had 37 pics and was at 23% and still took my pic with the eight energizer batteries . I was surprised how low of a percentage was left considering the lack of photos and the additional two batteries . 

Now I placed my spy point force  11D out there as well. All three cams are now running rayovac akaline batteries . I'll be back out again in late August to see what the 2017 hit list looks like.

looks like a new browning cam will be my next purchase . I really like the 2017 strike force pro. 


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If any one is looking for a cam , I'd recommend the Browning line. I've used moultrie,spy point ,wild game innovations ,cuddy back and  bushnell. Browning by far is the leader of the pack to date ...

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