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I've always wanted to write about the zen state that archery provides. I know many of you here know this state. It's a state where the mind empties and you actually become the arrow. I attempted to articulate this state. I hope it resonates with some of you here.
I know this style probably isn't for everyone but feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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Frankly, my archery technique requires every bit of conscious intensity and concentration of detail that I can muster. I have to concentrate on physical aspects of step of form and execution, and emptying my mind is the exact opposite of what is required for me to properly and successfully shoot and hit the spot that I am aiming for.

I think this Zen stuff would be more appropriate for those that are developing an instinctive method of shooting. With instinctive archery, you are trying to let your senses and natural internal guidance systems completely take over. Pretty much like throwing a rock, a baseball, or a football. No mental checklist is gone through.....You simply just do it and your instincts automatically perform the function for you. I know that instinctive shooting can produce astounding results. I have seen exhibition archers perform super-human shots that have nothing to do with shooting form and aiming and stance and steadiness and other shooting form concerns. It simply is a sight picture and an indescribable execution. If he were still alive, we could ask Stacey Groscup how it was that he could shoot aspirins and lifesavers out of the air, and I doubt he would have anything to say about anchor, stance, follow through, aiming, etc., etc..  In fact maybe he wouldn't be able to explain it at all because it is not a physically controlled process but rather a mental state. That's where the Zen stuff takes over and is used....not the methodical disciplines and check-lists and trained-in repetitive procedures that I am forced to go through.

Edited by Doc
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There is a lot to be said about Zen and archery.  I have shot both instinctive and with a conscious check list.  For the sake of consistency, I don't shoot instinctively, but it's amazing what you can do with practice and a calm mind.  

The arrow is already in the bullseye.  You just need to let it be.  It's hard to believe, but when I shot a lot, it was true.  Some of it is hard to explain.  Some of it is simply muscle memory.  It's an awesome feeling, but for me, I had to shoot without putting any expectations and without putting any pressure on myself.  If I made a less than perfect shot, sometimes things would go downhill from there.  When I was "on" it was a feeling of calm and confidence.  

I still shoot fingers, so there is a bit more to my mechanics than others.  Sometimes when I get in a funk with my mechanics, I "snap shoot"  without worrying about anchor point and grip etc.  It amazes me how accurate I can be without carefully hovering that moving pin over the bull.

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