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11-11-17 how my morning went....


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I got in Oh so quiet until last 50ft...sat with excellent views for a good ways...nearly no wind...9:38  my feet felt like they had water blisters they were so cold. So I got down and grabbed cards...BTW I saw nothing   2 cams have wrong dates but the times are right then the open field pic is today at the correct time. 3 different stands and the cams were right next to them...I'm pretty sure had I checked others..I'd have found the same thing...LOL

First pic I was 100yards away on other side of bedding, open field I was 250 yrds away and then  where he made a fresh scrape was the apple tree cam.....all this morning... Last night 100yrds from where I sat this morning the big guy walked through...headed to path would would take him right past the stand I was in this a.m.

I am thinking I might as well give up ...lady luck is clearly flying me the bird...:mda::wink:


PICT0021 (4).JPG



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Stayed til 11am this morning.  Feet were kinda cold but was able to tolerate. Saw 3 doe, the resident little spike I see every time, a big 6 dogging another 4 doe. All in all a nice morning no shots at any. Good day to be alive and still able to hunt.


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