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So Vermont's muzzleloader season just ended, which means we are done deer hunting for the year.  It's a bummer, but by now I have usually had enough.  The weather is starting to get rugged, and the wood stove starts to act like a magnet.  

I enjoyed hunting 3 seasons.  Bow was pretty uneventful, thanks to warm temps.  I swear it gets windier every year.  Rifle season was alright, but I had to contend with an excavation crew on the family farm during the season.  I managed to kill a half racked 4 pointer once they cleared out and things settled down.  I have a hard time getting into muzzleloader season.  The deer are skittish and I usually have venison in the freezer already.  I did see 10 does my last day of hunting, which made my season.

I'm jealous of your longer seasons and your multiple tags.  Oh, and you can legally shoot spikehorns.  I see people gripe about the hunting in NY.  VT aint no picnic either.  

It's been a wild ride.  It was fun to read/see what people experience and think, day-to-day.  Some of you really know your stuff.  Some of you show serious dedication, even when faced with long days and unseasoned tag soup.  

It's been fun.  I'm not going anywhere.  I just thought I would acknowledge the fact that the forum had a small part in this year's proceedings.  Now it's on to ice fishing and habitat work.  Dreaming up new stand sites and looking at seeds online.  

Thanks all.  Good luck to those still hunting.  I'm glad to share a bit of my time with folks who, in some way, understand what it means to hunt (and all the the madness that goes along with it).

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Season just ended in the northern zone also.. I debated between 2 spots for this afternoon.. 1 was 1/2 mile from house and 5 minute walk to sit on the edge of a field. I have been seeing 5-20 does there every night. The other was a 2-3 mile walk to a spot that I really like on a piece of state land.. the 1st was close to a guaranteed shot at a deer. The 2nd I have never seen a deer yet but the sign is there.. I opted for a good hunt instead of the easy kill. Of course I came out sweating and deerless.. ..lol . I did find a couple more promising spots though..

Next year!

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