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Few recent cam pics


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I have match sheds of one I'm still waiting to show and a set from another that wont leave me alone this year:)

Hmmm....gonna have to dig those pics up.

Anyhow...this guy's nice. 5 on one side.




split brow on his right side. Not much, but enough to make him identifiable.




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Ruger- cam's an IR4. Battery life is real good in my book. Runninig 4 'Dollar Store' generics I'll easily get 4 months out of them and about 1000 pics in the winter. I put Duracells in around February and it's still at 1/2 power. No complaints there.

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Nice pics and nice field! Where are you hunting out of?

Sothern Erie county. Holland/Wales area.

is that the new wildgame 5 mp with the camo front?

if so its a nice camera.

Nope- IR4. ALL black.

It's a good cam when you get used to how to set it up for optimal picture quality. It'll spit 'em out if you set it up right. Lots of trial and error, but I'm finally geting the hang of it.

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Can't say for sure but I'm guessing much the same as they are the same body. Think with a wider field of view you are gonna loose a lot of deffinition. Not saying the 5 will do that...just something to consider if that's what your looking for is a panoramic shot. They are a slow trigger cam so you may be better off that way.

Put it this way.

For every good shot I put up here I delete 10 bad/terrible ones if the deer decides to so much as flinch.

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