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New England Cottontails

Steve D

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DEC Tracks Distribution of New England Cottontails

NEC SkullDid you know that New York has more than one species of cottontail? If you didn't, don't feel bad because the New England cottontail (NEC) and Eastern cottontail look so similar that it's nearly impossible to tell them apart with the naked eye! The most reliable way to distinguish between the two species is looking for differences in the DNA and skull characteristics.

As a species of special concern, DEC has developed two surveys to monitor the distribution of New England cottontails in the focus area east of the Hudson River that extends from Rensselaer County south through Westchester County. This winter, DEC staff are conducting field surveys including collecting "pellets" (i.e., rabbit scat) and using DNA extraction to identify New England cottontails.

NEC Focus AreaIf you are a rabbit hunter in the focus area, you can help too! If you harvest a rabbit in the focus area, you can send it to us for skull examination and help us determine the distribution of NYS's New England cottontails. Cottontail season continues through February 28, so don't hesitate to call us at (518) 402-8883 or email us with the subject line "NE Cottontail" to request survey materials or ask for more information.

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