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Will a bear keep the deer away?


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I hunt in lower NY which means suburban deer hunting. I have several small patches of woods averaging 10-40 acres. I was talking to the property owner of one properties today who said a black bear has been tearing up the local garbage cans each night. Apparently he drags bags of garbage back into the woods to eat each night. I have a stand set up about 100 yards behind the house. Will the bear scare the deer off the small property or do they not bother each other. I have other properties to hunt but with limited time in the woods I don’t want to waste a sit if the deer have been run off the property. PS- I have no interest in shooting the bear. Thanks!

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I had a similar experience a few yrs ago, a bear would drag the neighbors garbage out back(neighbor is like 500 or 700 ft away... i still saw deer.  Also, lots of bear here too(zone 3k), and i see the deer walk off when a bear wanders through, then the deer return right back...the deer eat my lawn in the afternoon...the only thing I do not know for sure is if the bigger/older/smarter bucks know to stay away since they smell unfamiliar garbage.

not an expert though, just what i see here

Edited by Bionic
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