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Funny note on hunting shows


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My youngest son and I were talking the other day about how long to wait after hitting a deer with an arrow . I told him that I waited an hour after killing a buck on the 26th . It had already started to stiffen .

I said that I thought it was odd that on the shows the guy shoots a deer during light hours but when they get to it , it's dark .

Nick said , "Dad , you shot this deer an hour ago and it has started to stiffen up How is it that on the shows , they shoot a deer and track it the next morning . It's dead and the guy lifts the head and it moves easily . Why hasn't rigor mortis set in yet ? " Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !

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cause it already went through rigor, and is now relaxing again :)

you are completely right by saying that. From my experience as a lifelong EMT, rigor does only last a short period of time in humans. Being that both humans and deer are both mammals, i would think that it is the same for both. many of the hunters in the family have made the same comment about not being stiff after an extended waiting period and have to explain the same thing to them over and over

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