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And yet another fatality . . .


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Ive told this story before, and Ill give a quick rundown again. Years ago I was hunting on a piece of state land, sitting at the bottom of a tree watching a hill side. I had a blaze hat and vest on. A small deer came running up the hill when all of a sudden shots rang out and bark rained down on me. Some idiot took a few shots at that deer as it ran between us, and hit the tree I was leaning against, just a couple of feet above my head.

Blaze orange is something that I do wear, but I have no illusions that it will assure that I never get shot while out hunting. The only thing that will assure that is if people properly identify their target and background. Wouldnt matter what color you are wearing, there is no similarity, whatsoever between a person and a deer, period. That is a lame, overused excuse for irresponsibility. IMO anyone that shoots another hunter thinking that they are a deer or other animal, should get a life sentence.

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That's it...AND THE BACK GROUND!!!...like not sky lining deer...either up hill nor down...

We hunt in hill country when more than one hunter is on our property ...if your walking ...you better be blowing on a whistle...they use to do drives at camp ...before it got too thick...drivers had to use a whistle as they walked and we all wear blaze...actually helped them take deer...it's not a noise they were use to and they would stand and listen to try and identify...giving good shot ops.

Edited by growalot
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