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Menonite buggies


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You mean Amish?

Mennonite can still drive a vehicle.

I think they are supposed to have them. But i know of a couple relay strict sects up in St. Lawrence county that refuse to put them on. Ran into one up near Huvelton came around a corner and there they were middle of the road luckily no one in the other lane.

You got to be careful in areas with Amish. Its one thing to take a blind curve and have a deer standing there but a horse and buggy is another story :fie: .

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There is a amish family on rte 3 just beyond port ontario, and they are always tooling around, and the lil ones in the road. i just would hate to see an accident there. Busy trucking rte. imagine a 60 mph tractor and horse n buggy collision..... yikes. I really would like to see some more lighting on their vehicles at night.

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There was just a accident a few days ago in Seneca County when a Amish Horse and Buggy ran a stop sign. I have seen the Amish go up a one way road the wrong way, there was 5 buggies in a row racing. I wonder what or if they have any insurance if they hit you. The Amish are causing the price of farm land in my area to skyrocket.

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There is a amish family on rte 3 just beyond port ontario, and they are always tooling around, and the lil ones in the road. i just would hate to see an accident there. Busy trucking rte. imagine a 60 mph tractor and horse n buggy collision..... yikes. I really would like to see some more lighting on their vehicles at night.

I have heard a passenger vehicle is bad enough. Don't want to even picture a semi.

There was just a accident a few days ago in Seneca County when a Amish Horse and Buggy ran a stop sign. I have seen the Amish go up a one way road the wrong way, there was 5 buggies in a row racing. I wonder what or if they have any insurance if they hit you. The Amish are causing the price of farm land in my area to skyrocket.

They might keep the price of land up but they also keep it open. Personally i would rather have them keep the land open and in some form of ag production than see it revert back to a woodlot.

I also her that horses make damn good designated drivers. I know of a couple stories from Chautauqua county where teenagers go out drinking and when they want to go home they send the horse on its way (auto pilot so to speak). Meanwhile they pass out in the buggy. Only issue being horses cant read and run stop signs - splat. I was told that is what happened a while back on 241 in Conwango at a bad intersection.

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Thing is I drive 104 east of 81 alot and see these buggies alot. Sometimes it's a small convoy of them. Alot of side roads are traveled and it's loaded with small hills in the happy vally area, it can get dark as heck with no moonlight. More then a few times I'm around a corner or over a hill and bam they are right there, dark black buggie, dark horse. One of these days someone isn't goin to be paying enough attention.

I'd like to respect someones choice in how they want to live and all, I mean if they want to pray to a head of lettuce at home I don't care as long as they don't try and preach to me. But this is a safety issue on public roads.

Edited by Fantail
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You guys are all talking about my home area with the Amish. Off the top of my head there have been 4 buggie vehicle accidents past couple years. No fatalities. The last one a drunk in a 1 ton truck destroyed a buggy that had a woman and her 4 kids in it. I know this family personaly its the brother to the one on route 3. The drunks insurance company had to cover the funds for medical and new buggy. The Amish by me are all very nice people and Im glad its them keeping the farms going rather than a city slicker polititians building on it. They will let you hunt their land as well. As far as a safety triangle goes Im not sure some have them others dont. All have the oil lamp on the back and one on the front. If its raining forget it you cant see them at all in the dark with rain.

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i thought this was funny

Sounds about right LOL.

That's right around the corner from Conwango and where my old boss lives. Lots of Amish in that area. He (my old boss) once told me the Amish are like anyone else, there people. There are good ones, bad ones and indifferent ones.

Some just don't like the "English" telling them what to do. Kinda like a lot of guys on here don't like the "government" doing the same ;) .

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