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deep state is real !! Unelected federal officials have been lying about US troop levels in Syria

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if they can do that what makes you think they cant rig  elections ?



President Trump in 2018 ordered the withdrawal of troops from northern Syria, declaring, “We have won against ISIS.” The commander of the United States military repeated the order again in 2019.

Unelected federal officials reportedly knew better.

Nameless bureaucrats who disagreed with Trump’s directive decided simply to undermine it, according to outgoing Ambassador Jim Jeffrey, the U.S. special envoy for Syria. First, they convinced the president to leave behind a residual force. Then, they mislead “senior officials” about the actual number of U.S. troops left in the region, avoiding a widescale withdrawal simply by playing around with the data.

“What Syria withdrawal?” Jeffery told Defense One. “There was never a Syria withdrawal.”

Who says the “deep state” is not real?

Jeffrey “acknowledges that his team routinely misled senior leaders about troop levels in Syria,” Defense One reports.

“We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there,” he told the news outlet, adding that Trump’s announced withdrawal from Syria remains the “the most controversial thing in my 50 years in government.”

The true number of troops in northeast Syria is “a lot more than” the estimated 200 troops the president “initially agreed to leave there in 2019,” Defense One reports.

In other words, since 2018, obscure federal workers have reportedly been in control of the U.S. military presence in northern Syria, and all in direct violation of explicit orders from the president.

“Officially,” Defense One reports, “Trump last year agreed to keep several hundred U.S. troops — somewhere between 200 and 400, according to varying reports at the time — stationed in northeast Syria to ‘secure’ oil fields held by the United States’ Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS.”

Amazingly, the report adds, “It is generally accepted that the actual number is now higher than that — anonymous officials put the number at about 900 today — but the precise figure is classified and remains unknown even, it appears, to members of Trump’s administration keen to end the so-called ‘forever wars.’”

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