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Proposed wind farm in my town.


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1 hour ago, First-light said:

They really don't leave any stone unturned during the "article 10 process". Landowner is not responsible. Studies will take place, DEC is involved along with other jurisdictions. It takes years for the State to approve the "article 10 process".

Good or bad the state is approving the wind turbines. Now we have 27 turbines existing in the town. Each one is appx. 350' tall. The new ones 650' tall. X2 all the things wrong with wind power we have now in our town!


Article 10 Law


On August 4, 2011, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law Chapter 388 of the Laws of 2011 that enacted Article 10 of the Public Service Law.

Article 10 provides for the siting review of new and repowered or modified major electric generating facilities in New York State by the Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board) in a unified proceeding instead of requiring a developer or owner of such a facility to apply for numerous state and local permits.

A previous version of such a law expired on January 1, 2003. Key provisions of the new law include:

  • 1. Defines a major electric generating facility as facilities of 25 megawatts or more;
    2. Requires environmental and public health impact analyses, studies regarding environmental justice and public safety, and consideration of local laws;
    3. Directs applicants to provide funding for both the pre-application and application phases. It allows funding to be used to help intervenors (affected municipalities and other parties) hire experts to participate in the review of the application and for legal fees (but not for judicial challenges);
    4. Requires a utility security plan reviewed by Homeland Security and, for New York City (NYC) plants, NYC's emergency management office;
    5. Provides for appointment of ad hoc public members of the Siting Board from the municipality where the facility is proposed to be sited; and,
    6. Requires a public information coordinator within the Department of Public Service to assist and advise interested parties and members of the public in participating in the siting process.


1 hour ago, Steuben Jerry said:

Hey Burt, do you have to live in Howard to sign the petition? I don't live in Howard, but I'm close enough that in the distance, I can see the existing windmills from the end of my road.

Hi, I am the coordinator of the Howard landowners coalition. Yes, Please sign the petition. The town only will want Howard residence (they really don't want any pushback at all. lol). But, The more we can say about people on the fringes being impacted the better. Howardlandowners.org   thanks

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