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Hear about Tide laundry detergent being sold on black market?


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Tide laundry detergent is meant to be used for household cleaning purposes, but thieves are turning it into something dirty. Authorities are reporting a spike in thefts of Tide, and in some cities they are setting up task forces where the detergent is sold to track the number of bottles in stores. Police believe thieves are using the soap on the black market, which retails for $10-$20, to buy drugs. On the black market, Tide is often referred to as "liquid gold" and can go for $5-$10 per bottle.

I hope the thieves will step forward and come clean.......LOL!!!

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A harbinger of things to come as the economy gets worse. Thefts of anything worth a buck will go even higher as money gets tighter for petty criminals. They are already stealing copper wire and tubing from homes they break into, tearing down copper phone lines from telephone poles, and ripping aluminum siding from houses. And they resort to this type of crime, because they don't have enough cash to buy a gun, yet.

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Has nothing to do with the economy.. Druggies and dealers use it to make home made crystal meth. Drain cleaners can also be used. States that have a huge problem with methamphetamine such as California and Missouri track the purchases. If someone walks into a Walmart and buys 12 bottles of liquid Tide it raises a red flag so they started getting a bunch of people to all buy one or two bottles for them. Police are watching store inventories. Stores that goes through a lot of these products usually means there's a meth lab somewhere nearby.

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