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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/24 in Posts

  1. Okay, so now take the next step and put all that into an Excel spreadsheet. That is where all historical and scientific data belongs. Millions of ways to sort, find, and massage and analyze the data that you accumulate. That is the system that I use to record all the hunting data that I have accumulated over the past 40 years or so. It should work well with gun performance and reload-recipe data too. Just imagine: Bullet manufacturers, weights, styles Powder brands, weights, etc. Case manufacturers comments about case sizing and techniques Primer I.D. Any notes about pressure signs or potential malfunctions Overall bullet length Trajectory Chronograph notes Group size remarks You might even want to include cost data for bullets and components And of course that all important "Comments" column What have I forgotten? there must be something. Oh this might also be a good place to record your inventory of reloading equipment: Powder scales, tricklers, presses, etc., etc. Anytime that I have data to record, Excel is my tool for that. Keeping a good back-up procedure guarantees safe keeping of data. For best records safety, back-ups need to be stored someplace other than where the computer is located. What do you think? Good idea or pain in the neck?
    1 point
  2. I don't know how many will agree with me, but It seems to me that hunting was a lot more fun back then. Most of the strategies came from one's own reasoning instead as from a video or seminar from some supposed "expert". The hunt was all about me vs. the deer, without any concern for who I was going to beat out in some nonsensical scoring system. It used to be that the conversations at the Monday morning gatherings at work among all the hunters (and there were a bunch of us) centered on that 4-point buck that somebody flung an arrow at, or the huge tracks that someone found on the trail that they were watching. Getting a deer with the bow was a super accomplishment......Any deer, buck or doe. Now the workplace gatherings to discuss hunting activities don't even happen. Nobody wants to hear about any of it. And if you do talk about a deer that you get the first thing asked is, "What did it score?" If it happens to be a doe, everyone goes back to work without comment or the conversation switches immediately to the new tractor that somebody bought to work their food-plot, or the new lease that they managed to lock up for their own hunting. It's a whole different activity with hunters now being pressured to compete against each other. We even have rules and regulations for keeping score in our inter-hunter competitions. Altogether different attitudes now. I have to wonder how much effect these new attitudes of hunter to hunter competitions have on the declining hunter participation.
    1 point
  3. Great Idea. I kept good records of all my reloads by calibers before our fire. Unfortunately, most were lost, and I will have to start all over pretty much from scratch including reloading equipment, supplies, etc. Thats if the insurance company ever pays what they owe us.
    1 point
  4. For Biden when he went to Ohio a couple of Days ago.
    1 point
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