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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by HuntingNY

  1. I was thinking today of a gear review section, but not sure if anyone would do any or have any? Any thoughts?
  2. Its not related... I was a member @ empire, saw a bunch of people missing the site, and decided to create one. I missed the site as well. I am glad most made it over, to bad we caint contact the old user base. But this site is growing pretty fast, and lots of great posts (even the X Bow ones LOL).
  3. As per requests from members two new forums were added... Trapping - All Trapping discussions Guides & Outfitters reviews, comments and discussions (in state and out of state)
  4. There ya go http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/board,41.0.html
  5. Looks like a big buck contest is winning the voting..
  6. Last years Deer (2009) season - Lets see the deer your got last year!
  7. I know more of you guys must have trail camera photos! Lets see them... If you need help posting photo's, just let us know.
  8. Thanks to WNYBuckHunter for helping manage that facebook page!
  9. Welcome, pass the info on to your friends if possible.
  10. Hey all, We enabled some extra spam checks during the registration process.... If you have any trouble registering a forum account here please click the contact button at the top of the page, and we can help you out. The spam bots love to create accounts, luckily we have caught them all before allowing them to post anything. So if you see anything fishy let us know too! The site is growing at a great pace, its turning into a great resource for all hunters. I hope your having as much fun as I am. :-\ Thanks
  11. Welcome, but I think the DATHS will get worse with this site
  12. I had setup one about a month ago, havnt had time to configure it much yet... Facebook page link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/HuntingNYcom-New-York-Hunting-Forums-and-Chat/128002013884247 I sent you a PM too.
  13. Its the 1 month Anniversary of the site opening its doors, and 173 NY Hunters have joined and made over 1845 posts! Its a pretty amazing growth, and the site is expanding every day. We added a few more forums that were requested, and made a few other changes to the site. Please help spread the news to your fellow New York Hunters about http://HuntingNY.com If you have any suggestions for the site, please let us know. For example fasteddie asked for a DIY forum, and there are a bunch of great posts in there from Creating your own Lighted Knocks to creating a cheap Archery target. If you hav'nt introduced yourself to the other members yet, be sure to post your introduction in the forum here: http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/board,2.0.html We are also considering doing a 2010 Buck / Bear contest, if your interested, please vote and post in the topic here: http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/board,2.0.html Thanks to everyone in helping make the site a great place for all NY Hunters.
  14. Let us know your site suggestions and comments. Anything from what forums we should add to what additional content you'd like to see. Be sure to check out JCtheGC's thread on a suggestion about a 2010 Buck and Bear contest for the site.... Post of there if there is any interest! Discussion: http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,251.0.html
  15. Thanks, keep spreading the word! The more people on the site the better it will be for all.
  16. If there is some more interest, I'll set something up. Perhaps have a 1st and 2nd place? Bear based on size / weight and bucks based on width and points? I'm open to anything. How many of you would be interested?
  17. Discussion forums for the NYSBBC For more information please visit: http://www.nys-big-buck.org/index.htm Quick Links History: http://www.nys-big-buck.org/history.htm FAQ: http://www.nys-big-buck.org/faq.htm Entry Forms: http://www.nys-big-buck.org/entry.htm
  18. By popular demand , a Muzzleloader forum has been added for your viewing and posting pleasure. ;D
  19. attached is an image you can use if you wish (for now till we get a better one)
  20. Added recent posts to the index, so its easy to see what was recently commented on... Also don't forget this feature here: http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?action=recent which shows you all of the recent posts.
  21. Hey guys, We have made amazing progress in the few weeks we have been up. Please make sure you share this with friends, family, and anyone Hunting in or around the NY area! Thanks! http://HuntingNY.com
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