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Posts posted by Deleted Account

  1. 2 hours ago, grampy said:

    I support anything that will get more young people into the shooting sports! And will support this bill. But I also feel that any instructor should be well qualified. 

    Is the 4H certification similar to the NYSDEC Hunter Education Instructor Certification? It took me well over a year, to complete my certification, and vetting process. There was a lot do do!! Much of it designed to work with youths. And to keeping them safe during classes. 

    From what I learned from long time instructors, the process is much more stringent now than it used to be. I guess in some ways rightly so. But in other ways, they never have enough instructors to go around. As not many younger volunteers are willing to go through the process, to replace the older instructor's who are leaving. And classes fill up very quickly. Making people have to travel farther and farther to attend the classes.

    I will look more into the 4H shooting sports program. Perhaps I could help out there too?

    Thanks Grampy!

    Our Instructor Training isn't as intense as the DEC Instructor certification, but mainly because we do split it up by discipline. If you were to get certified in all the disciplines, you would need to attend 6 trainings. Each instructor must attend training based around a specific discipline (rifle/air rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, archery, air pistol, hunting/wildlife) as well as training on Positive Youth Development. Obviously our program is centered around shooting sports safety and positive youth development. Once you are certified in a discipline, you can lead a training with an assistant instructor from any other discipline. Additionally, you can assist other instructors who are doing training in disciplines other than what you are certified, if that makes sense.  

    We hold a weekend long training up here in Ballston Spa every February, and there are others scattered about the state throughout the year. If you are interested in becoming an instructor, I would encourage you to contact your local Cornell Cooperative Extension office, which if you're in Altamont would be Albany County. Their number is (518) 765-3500, and you'll want to talk to Barb Stevens. I work with Saratoga County, so if Albany County doesn't have an opportunity, hit me up and I'll find a home for you :) Thanks again!

    • Thanks 1
  2. I can't help but wonder why anyone in their right mind would shoot something that ugly. Maybe to just put it out of it's misery I guess...

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    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  3. I wanted to make you all aware of a NYS Senate Bill that if passed would have a dramatic positive impact on youth shooting sports. As some of you know, I work for 4-H Youth Development, and am heavily involved in the 4-H Shooting Sports program. This bill, if passed would make it much easier for our trained adult instructors to work with youth in 4-H Shooting Sports. As it stands, all of our instructors, despite having to go through a thorough certification process, mush have a secondary certification to instruct youth in Shooting Sports. These secondary certifications include, but are not limited to: NRA Instructor Certification, Military Small Arms, DEC Certification, etc. 

    Senate Bill S6401A would allow 4-H Adult Instructors to instruct and supervise a youth shooting sports program without a secondary certification. This would have a huge impact on our 4-H Shooting Sports program, and open the door to more capable and competent instructors to host new and existing youth shootings sports programming.

    If you have a few extra minutes and support this legislation, if you could send a quick email or make a phone call to your representatives to support this bill, I would really appreciate it. Thanks everyone!


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  4. 11 minutes ago, steve863 said:

    No one is saying that it's a hoax, only that humanity shouldn't be freaking out the way they are over this.  People die every minute of the day of all sorts of ailments and will continue to with or without the corona virus.

    I have seen it pop up a few times on social media, from people who should really know better. 

    I understand that people die from lots of things, I really do. I'm not saying anyone should panic, but also, we shouldn't be downplaying it based off of hunches while ignoring the science. Again, I'm not advocating for anything other than what I would assume everyone here would agree with, take simple precautions. For you it may not be anything more than a moderate flu, but on down the line it should be a very serious illness for other folks. 

  5. Does anyone have a map that gives a better idea of the Northern/Southern Zone split than the standard DEC map? Something that shows roads and or cities and counties?

    I'm planning on overlaying two maps, but if someone already has access to one, it would save me the trouble. Thanks!


  6. 2 hours ago, crappyice said:

    True...however you (Not Biz but the plural you) don’t know you have it according to some of the minor symptoms and so you stay out there. You will be fine but come across an elderly person, she’s F’ed.

    Single mother working as a nurse at hosp where Westchester case appeared. She lives in my mother’s complex which is not senior loving but mostly elderly. If she bring that virus to that complex many people will not survive according to whom is most greatly affected. That’s where it gets real

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Very true. Not only running into someone who is immunosuppressed, but also transmitting to others who can transmit to those people, or on down the line. It's easy to right it off as "it's not gonna kill me, I'm healthy", but is what I have been hearing a lot of. 

  7. We thought about switching, I called Verizon and told them as much, in fact, I asked them for an "end of service" date. We were paying close to $200 per month for mine and my wife's phones, 2 lines and 8GB of shared data. They did the ole' "let me see what we can do" trick, but it was surprisingly good.

    Verizon paid off my wife's phone outright (like $80), paid mine off in installments (basically credited my monthly payment for the remainder of the $200) and put us on their "Loyalty Unlimited" for $80 a month. In total. we went from paying $180-200/month to $90 a month with a better plan. I would encourage Verizon customers to give them a call before switching. I'm not a Verizon loyalist by any means, though we have had the best coverage with them.

    I'm glad to hear the switch to Spectrum was a good one for you!

    • Like 1
  8. My wife went ahead and took the plunge, and the bike gets delivered tomorrow. I haven't heard a bad word about it from anyone, even people who say that it's expensive (it is) say it's totally worth it. We had a gym membership that hasn't been getting used much since our daughter came along a year ago, and we'll end up paying about as much a month for the bike (free financing) and app as we were for the gym membership. I figure if we use it, then it's worth it. Thanks for the input everyone!

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Moho81 said:

    I don't use a lot of sick time but I'll be damned if i'm going into work sick just so I can think i'm some sort of hero for never missing a day of work. We get a week of sick time on top of our vacation time. If we don't use the sick time we lose it. 

    We get paid off for our unused sick time when we retire. They essentially buy back that time. I have noticed that our staff who are close to retirement all but get rolled in on a gurney so they don't use their sick time. Very reassuring....

  10. 20 minutes ago, ApexerER said:

    From what Leland said they post it the week before the auction. Since it is only once a month, it wouldn't be out yet. Since I am signed up I believe they will email me the list now. If you want to PM me your email address, I will be happy to send you the list when I receive it...

    I think they will mail it to you Apexer, I got mine that way last month. I think they usually post the auction a couple of weeks in advance, and post photos the Monday before the auction. You can also go to the auction house starting at 9am the day of the auction to look at everything. 

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  11. Welcome to another Saratoga County hunter (I'm in Ballston Spa)! This will be my first year hunting in NY as well, though I hunted for years in Illinois. You've found a great home on this forum!

    • Thanks 1
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