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Posts posted by Deleted Account

  1. Just now, Biz-R-OWorld said:

    I strongly believe the death rate of coronavirus is way lower, because I think thousands of people have it with no symptoms so they aren’t counted towards the totals. Nyc/Westchester must have tons of cases that aren’t counted since healthy people aren’t showing symptoms

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yes, but what do you think about the death rate Biz :)

    I agree, it sounds like a lot of people are just exhibiting flu symptoms and going on. Plus, it's seems like it is very difficult (though getting easier) to get tested, even after the first test kits were faulty. It's still pretty worrisome though, I would assume people not knowing they have it means more transfers.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

    They had to euthanize him last evening. Kidneys were shut down, and there wasn't any way back from that. What a bolt from the blue to knock him down like that. Come to find out he received the lepto vaccination after all. The vet said different strains are popping up, much like the flu. Healthy one day, fatal disease the next day. Vet suspects he may have drank water from a puddle that was on the ground that an infected wild animal urinated on. In a fenced back yard in suburbia no less. They haven't had him anywhere else in a month.

    Pic is him and our dog Ruger from rifle season a few years ago. Wiped out from wrestling with each other all morning, lol. They were roughly the same age, and were best buddies since they were pups.



    My wife, who is a vet, always advises against letting dogs drink out of the "community water bowls" that are in many dog friendly towns and cities. They are just a breeding ground for stuff like this. I'm so sorry that you/he had to go through thing. 

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  3. On 2/29/2020 at 1:10 PM, WNY Bowhunter said:

    Too much snow to find new ones so I decided to take an updated pic of the collection...



    As you can plainly see...this ain't Iowa.


    I legitimately thought you had an albino mount in that first photo :) That's quite the collection!

    • Like 1
  4. When someone would do something stupid, I'd say "I don't understand why they would do that." My dad would say "Be glad you don't understand it, or you'd be as stupid as they are." :)

  5. Does anyone have experience aging old Remington rifles? I bought an old Model 12a last night, and after doing some digging I'm coming up short. It looks like Remington used date codes on the barrel after 1921, but mine does not have these. The SN is 557**. Can anyone help me put an age on this gun?

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  6. 8 minutes ago, ApexerER said:

    I wasn't looking to get in a pointless shouting match. There isn't any point in that, I was generally curious as to your stance.

    I can't disagree that our president could and probably should be more presidential. But I also can't blame him for not changing who he is because he is the president. There is an argument on the other side that it works for him. It keeps our enemies guessing cause they have no idea what he will do. Especially countries like China, that while they aren't an outright enemy, they sure aren't our friends either. 

    Biden to me is just more of the same establishment that will be easily controlled which is why IMO the democrats want him to win. The stuff with his son Hunter and China doesn't look very good either. Buttigieg I have less of an opinion on, but from what I have read, South Bend is in much worse shape since he became the mayor there. I obviously can't vote in the primary because I am a registered Republican but there is a chance one of these people becomes our next president so I do pay attention. 

    As far as the stock market goes, it is falling because of the systems in place right now. All the big players are always leveraged to the hilt and now have to hit their margin calls much sooner than in the past to make sure they can make them which is now a government regulation. With the Corona Virus, people have stopped travel and we are a world economy so that effects the market. So when the market falls a little bit now and margin calls come do, these guys have to sell to make the margin call which leads to larger sell offs so others can make their margin call and it just tumbles. It is a two edged sword. Nobody should need a bail out if they follow these regulations, but the market is tumbling directly because of these regulations. 

    This country is great because we can all have different views. I am always curious as to other point of views to see if it changes my way of thinking. It usually doesn't but I respect other peoples opinions. Especially if those opinions are what they feel is best for them....

    My shouting match comment was not aimed at you, you can shout at me anytime Apexer, we're cool :)

  7. 25 minutes ago, ApexerER said:


    This is a personal question so you don't have to answer if you don't want too. But I am curious as to who of the Democratic candidates you think will be better for you and your family than Donald Trump?

    After meeting you last night, you seem like a great, hardworking passionate guy with a family, a wife who is a vet etc. Basically you are an everyday American working middle class person, who obviously enjoys firearms and hunting.

    Before 2008 I had no idea how many democrats I knew and they are all exactly like you. Middle of the road hard working Americans. After Obama, unless they are lying to me which I don't see any reason why they would, they all held their nose and voted for Trump like Buckmaster did. 

    I say I am a Conservative Republican but that isn't exactly accurate. I would say I am a fiscal conservative and socially liberal. I am probably closer to a Libertarian. I want the government to not spend more than it takes in, believe it takes in plenty and other than that the less they affect my life the better. 

    I run the Sunoco Station on the corner of Rt 9 and Rt 67 along with the carwash. I don't own it but the owner basically leaves me alone and I deal with everything as if I owned it. I get to see everyday how taxes and over regulation effect small business. Not to mention the huge checks I have to dish out for sales tax, regular taxes, payroll taxes, fuel tax, unemployment etc. It is mind boggling how much this store and car wash pay in taxes. Not to mention all the regulatory Red tape I have to follow to keep in DEC and EPA guidelines. 

    I just don't see anyway, any of these candidates could better myself or my families lives and a million ways it can hurt me. The debate  seems like a bunch of people who are trying to out do each other on who is going to give away more free stuff, which will lead to higher taxes, who is going to be tougher on business, who is going to do more to ban firearms (obviously something near and dear to my heart). How is this all going to be paid for? I don't see any way other than on the backs of small business and the middle class. 

    So I am really curious, how do you see any of these candidates affecting your life in a positive way. The only thing I see is having to pay more in taxes and having more of my freedoms and choices taken away. 

    Here is a perfect example of a liberal policy I am dealing with right now. As of March 1st I can't give plastic bags out anymore. I can charge whatever I want for paper bags but I have to pay the State 5 cents for paper bags I sell. The law requires that I put single beers in a paper bag. The price of a single beer just went up 5 cents and I get nothing from it. What nobody can seem to answer either is, how am I required to track how many paper bags I have sold. Do I have to keep an inventory of paper bags like I do for tobacco products? How do I pay someone to do this or do I just add it to my plate? When do I make this payment, once a year, when I pay monthly sales tax? Nobody knows, they just made a law without any thought as to how it would affect the people that have to deal with it or what it would cost them. For no other reason than it makes the green people happy and they get to collect some money. If it wasn't a money grab they could easily make us bio degradable plastic bags like the ones I use to clean up after my dog. 

    No problem Apexer, I'll reply, but I won't go too much into the weeds about policies that I like/don't like, because I think that just opens the door for people to jump in, and I don't have time for it. I will say that I don't support all Democratic Policies, and I don't oppose all Republican Policies. 

    Also, I feel the same way about you, you seem like a regular guy doing a good job providing for your family, and supporting a meager air rifle collection :) Really though, most Americans, Democrat or Republican are just regular folks like us.

    I will probably be voting for Joe Biden or Pete Buttigieg in the Primary. I consider myself pretty centrist, probably more socially liberal and fiscally conservative, though those 2 things don't always go hand in hand. However, that's where compromise comes in. It's always been the case that primaries pull candidates farther to the extreme side of their party, and then they kind of come back to the center. An exception to that is Donald Trump, and I would imagine someone like Bernie would be that way as well. 

    I would just really like someone who could work with folks from both parties, and to kind of get back to a decorum that has been lacking over the past few years. Donald Trump has had a big hand in a booming stock market, but I think we are seeing now that it may not be too resilient. The same thing happened with Bush, he removed a bunch of regulations, and as usually happens with Capitalism, greed came in and crashed an unprotected market. Not everyone experienced the benefits of a booming market, but everyone felt the recession.  I'm not advocating for governmental control of markets, but having regulations that keep things somewhat stable can't be a bad thing. I think the Obama administration was smart in developing some safeguards while enacting policies to help the free market pull itself out of the recession. Trump came in and gave that strong economy a shot of steroids through tax cuts (which expire for individuals in 2025) and I guess I worry that much like a roided up athlete, we're fixing to see a blowout at some point. This coronavirus scare is showing some vulnerability in the markets. I hope it doesn't happen, but it's a little troublesome.

    On top of all of this, I just don't like Donald Trump's conduct. Even his supporters admit he talks too much and acts like a clown. I just don't like it, maybe it's emotional, but it's enough for me to not support him. I believe there is a certain level of character that needs to be displayed as the leader of the United States, and though a lot of people support his aggressiveness and grandiosity, I'm not one of them. I think that Biden or Buttigieg would provide at least some quiet decorum to the office, and I would certainly respect their leadership, even if I don't always agree with it. 

    Same thing on this post, I'm not going to get sucked into pointless shouting matches, so I won't be replying. I'll make an exception for you Apexer, I guess I feel bad for you losing that Walther last night :)

    • Like 2
  8. 31 minutes ago, ApexerER said:

    It was great meeting you last night as well Leland.  Although I am still baffled how a cowboy boot wearing, gun auction attendee can be a democrat, but I won't hold it against you....lol

    Next time I will be better prepared. I bid on a few things, but it goes fast so you don't have time to think about how much you are willing to spend. You need to go with the list, know what your interested in and how much you want to spend on that item and get in the bidding and stop when you reach what you want to spend. At least that will be my plan next time. I thought sure I won a Walter PPK .40 but got out bid at the last 2nd. I left with a cheap pellet gun for my daughter and a new friend...so it was a great night!

    I really thought you had the Walther :)

    • Like 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, GreeneHunter said:

    I have a Pump .22 like the one pictured .... it was my wife's Fathers ! Its missing the Magazine Tube but I'm sure I can find one out there somewhere !

    Hop on eBay, they have a lot of parts. This one has a cracked butt plate and is missing a forearm screw. I put an order in for both last night and they'll be here next week. I'm looking forward to shooting it, it's going to become my new gun for .22 shorts.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Rattler said:

    Yet, you begin your pronouncement by telling me that I'm incorrect.  I believe you have said we cannot judge the whole based on the actions of one, yet you wish to use yourself as an example to defend the group.  I never expect you to directly refute things I've posted by addressing those things with a direct rebuttal.  Is there anything in my last post you believe is factually incorrect?

    I stand by my post and will defend my assertion that leftists do not love this country based on the facts provided.  You may not agree with what I have posted, but I think saying I am wrong is merely your denialist opinion.

    What concerns me about your wanting the "best" for everyone, is how you define "best" and how you would go about implementing that.  Leveling the playing field?  Are you sure you're not advocating "equal outcomes" over equality at the starting line?

     "I also recognize that not everyone starts from the same number in life, and like it or not, race and gender, and even physical location do affect your starting position."

    Tell me, when has this ever not been the case in the entire history of America?  Yet America became the greatest nation on earth with this truism in effect.  Did you ever consider forcing "leveling" on this land might do it more harm than good?  Why is it leftist policies must be forced on the populace, with the threat of prison or at the muzzle of a gun, if these ideas are so benevolent?  It is, by definition, totalitarianism.  It requires massive government interference and power and it becomes totally political, as opposed to free choice and liberty.  You are only free to do what the government lets you do.  It's played out in history before.  It was called Socialism.  It morphed into Communism.  Can anyone say they weren't evil?

    Wealth redistribution is also something the left loves, unless it's their wealth that is being stolen from them.

    I think you are more of a confused liberal than a leftist.  A leftist does not love this country, in any way, shape or form.  

    I do not believe you do yourself a service by claiming to be a member of that genus.


    Rattler, first off, I do owe you a couple of apologies. 1. I got lost on about Page 7 of your post :) and didn't pay attention to your separation of "leftists" and "liberals". With this being the case, you were pretty close in calling me a "Confused Liberal" though I would say more of a Confused Center Left Democrat. 2. I need to be more careful in how I word my comments. I shouldn't tell you that you are wrong, because I am not the sole decider of what is right or wrong or correct or incorrect. I will try to be better about saying "I think you are wrong". 

    So, with that being said, I do think you are wrong :) I'll hit a couple of things, but I'll tell you right up front, I fully expect you to reply to this comment, but I won't be replying any further. I'm getting wrapped up in these debates, and I keep thinking that I'll find a step out point, but I keep pulling myself back in. 

    1. You called me out for saying that "the whole should not be judged based on the actions of the individual" which is correct, I do believe that. I also believe that it is wrong to cast generalizations on groups of people, as it looses sight of the fact that the whole is made of individuals. These two beliefs are not mutually exclusive, the can coexist. 

    2. You're mention of me saying that a level playing field is a good thing. No, I am not arguing for equal outcomes, I think that people should be able to succeed based on their own merit. However, it would be very unfair to say that every American starts from the same position in life. Look at it this way, if I was playing Monopoly and you started playing after I had already played 10 turns, would you be at a disadvantage? Would it be possible for you to win? Sure, but you would be at a severe disadvantage as I would own most of the property, and would control most of the board. It's important to note, I don't have any answers for how to address this, and I don't know if it's something that a government could fix, private industry could fix, or if it's something that can be fixed at all. However, I do recognize that I have been given a lot of opportunities, through no fault of my own, that other people have not been afforded. I guess I believe in equal opportunity, not equal outcomes, but I don't know how we get there. 

    3. You claim that wanting to fundamentally transform the country is proof that a person does not love their country, but I think that history would argue against you on this. If you love something, there is nothing wrong with wanting to make it better. 

    The beginning agricultural economy of this country, the economy that funded our successful fight for independence, was based on slave labor. The abolishment of slavery (initiated by a Republican) was such a fundamental change to our country that we fought a Civil War over it. People believed so fully that freeing slaves would ruin our country, that they decided to start their own, and hundreds of thousands of people died over this fundamental shift. I would say that most of us would agree that this was a good fundamental shift however, and the men who fought for it were patriots of every measure. 

    In 1918, women were granted the right to vote. There was fierce opposition to this, by both men and women, who thought that this fundamental shift would damage the country. In the end, a majority of Democrats and Republicans  voted to allow women to vote, and now our wives, mothers sisters etc can vote for leaders, and even become leaders, and we are better because of this fundamental shift. 

    Until 1968, almost 100 years after the 15th Amendment,  it was legal for individuals and businesses to discriminate and segregate based on race. Many argued that mixing blacks and whites was against the moral fabric of the country, and this change to this fabric would be our downfall.  Now, we can argue as to whether the Civil Rights Act of 1968 has fully done away with racial discrimination, but I think few would argue the the passage of this fundamental change was done in an effort to destroy the country. 

    4. Just because someone's idea of what is best for their country is different from yours doesn't mean that they don't love their country. Would you appreciate this assertation being cast at you by those you disagree with? I think your view of people who disagree with you is extreme, and maybe even bordering on dangerous. When we start viewing political opponents as enemies, it gets very touchy, and it's happening on both sides. 

    I have no problem with an "extreme left" or an "extreme right", I may not agree with them, but they are necessary for there to be a middle. 

    Again, Rattler, I respect your opinions, but I do not agree with them. As I said before, I am sure you will reply to this, and I will read it. However, I will not be continuing to debate this with you. It's been fun :) 


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