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Gobbler Chaser

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Posts posted by Gobbler Chaser

  1. 1 hour ago, First-light said:

    Nephew shot a nice 10 pt late morning opening day. This was after we gutted two other nice bucks and a Doe in the same area. Here they come chasing a Doe. Small buck then the 10 pt he shoots it dead waits a minute and out comes a giant and stands over the dead buck. He just watched for a minute and then it took off in the direction of the Doe. All it takes is one hot Doe to get them to lose their minds....lol

    Like they say, does are the best bait

  2. The only 2 things that breaks the routine of smart never seen big bucks is the rut and the first few days of rifle season. For me it has always been the last week of southern zone bow season when the rut really peaks and then opening day rifle when the orange army takes to the woods stirring up big bucks and making them move. 

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  3. With a rifle a neck shot always drops em on the spot. The shocking power right around the spine and brain are devastating. I wouldn't with a bow because unless you sever the spine or main arteries you have a wounded deer. I've seen 3 deer in my time walking around with arrows in their necks

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  4. The online system truly sucks. When getting my cart together It's so confusing I never know if I'm going to end up having to go to town hall anyway to straighten it out when I'm at the checkout pay point. Then the part about doe permits having to be done separately is annoying. I keep getting to the checkout part and I'm like well WTF about my doe permits.

  5. 2 hours ago, Steve D said:

    So what keeps the site going??? The administrator has not been on sine 2021, Burmjohn since 2020, and two of the other moderators since 2020 & 2021.

    I would hate to see it disappear. Is there a way to get in touch with him on facebook??

    Would this be him???


    Would be a shame if it disappeared. The site that many here have migrated to just doesn't have the same charm. Plus it's a NJ forum from what I gather.

  6. 9 minutes ago, First-light said:

    So I did my rounds at the six camera's we have out. The one closest to the road had a few ears of corn thrown out in front of the camera. They were broken in half

    husk off of them. My corn field is on the other side of the road about 100 yards away. Animal didn't do it because the break was clean.  The prior lease guys were not happy when we took over. That is my only suspect but its been over a year now. Thoughts??? 

    They might be trying to set you up with the DEC. Possibly thrown the corn in front of the camera and took pictures of it and reporting you. Set up an additional camera to observe the one having the corn thrown by it. They obviously know the camera is there but one at another angle might get them on camera. 

    I'll admit I'm a bit paranoid at times but My experience is if it smells like sh*t it's probably sh*t...

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