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Gobbler Chaser

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by Gobbler Chaser

  1. Many of the Stewart's sell none Eth. I run a couple gallons into my truck before I fill my cans just to clear the hose. I haven't had to rebuild or replace a carb or fuel line in any of my 2cycle or 4 cycle equipment in 3 years. 

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  2. On 4/5/2023 at 8:54 PM, jperch said:

    In my area there has always been a lot of coyotes.  The agricultural situation and woods have not changed much.  There is a new predator in my area, fischers.  Turkey numbers are WAY down in my area (Northern Oswego and Cayuga Counties) compared to 30 years ago and yes, they sure don't like to talk as much.

    Yes Fisher Cats

  3. OK, I'm going to tell you guys a story. Years back as I was heading to my blind in the dark to dumb hunt turkey I was walking along the trail and got hit by that overwhelming sensation to take a dump. Well I took care of business and moved on to my blind and hunted the morning till about 10:30 and started to head back down the trail to go home. I came upon the spot where I did my business earlier that morning and a bear had eaten that big steaming pile of crap right down to the ground, yep completely gone. I've eaten bear meat in the past but it was that morning that I decided never again. Just ain't kosher.

    • Haha 1
  4. On 1/30/2023 at 9:05 PM, Shoots100 said:

    You make me sick.

    If you don't like the constitution as written, go try living in a communist country, where you won't have all of your money, houses and Freedom.

    NY and the other Blue run states will eventually fall and when they do, your ilk will be the useless idiots we've seen time and time again used by the liberal as cannon fodder, smiling all the way to the bitter end.

    The whole time saying "It was for safety, for the children."

    “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ― Benjamin Franklin



    If the 2nd amendment will not be infringed then where has your right to own flamethrowers, grenade launchers, bazookas, gone. I'm glad I make you sick because you make me laugh, thankyou, lol

  5. On 1/30/2023 at 2:47 PM, Doc said:

    The dreaded AR style rifles are simply a black version of any other semi-auto rifle that thousands of sportsmen use throughout U.S. hunting seasons. Don't let the color and shape of a rifle encourage you to be an enemy of those who would stand up for any of the dwindling rights that we still have left. There is no need to cower or cringe whenever someone shows an interest in protecting our rights. Save your fears for those who would happily take them away.

    The AR15 is a mass shooters weapon of choice. The majority of hunters I know don't own one and never will. I remember a time on this forum when you Doc were against them. I'll go as far to say the majority of AR15 owners are younger males, they are not sportsman's and could give a crap about hunting in any form. They like them because they're so "cool". Doing mag dumps and bragging about all the ammo they have stored is what most are all about. Just look at the AR15 videos on social media, nut jobs shooting hundreds of rounds into ponds or blowing up LP gas cylinders, overheating their barrels doing 100 Rd drum mag dumps and no interest in real marksmanship whatsoever. Duh I'll eventually hit it with a 100 rounds mentality makes us all look stupid. They are the ones effecting my rights as a sportsman and a firearm owner. Before this AR fade that only came about in the last 25yrs or so I could buy ammo without being scrutinized by the Govorment and buy a rifle in any store that no longer dares to sell em.


  6. On 1/12/2023 at 3:21 PM, DoubleDose said:

    Let's dissect this commentary.  Being a lifetime hunter sportsman is irrelevant to firearm ownership; you only need to be a US citizen.  Further 2A, has nothing to do with hunting; it says "keep and bear" not "hunt".  Your need or what you think is also irrelevant, regarding 2A right.  A US citizen can choose to own an AR and high capacity magazines for no reason at all other than it being a right to own it.  That is 2A, the only right that explicitly states "Shall not be infringed".  The NRA is an organization that supports and defends that 2A right.  Just like the ACLU defends all the others with the exception of 2A.   You state "... it seems like I lose more rights as a sportsman hunter with everything Republicans do when it comes to gun legislation."  Ask yourself, why does it seem that way to you when it is the Democrats that have instituted all the gun legislation that has caused loss of your rights?

    A US citizen can not own an AR and high caps in alot of states now. If it's that important to an individual than move to a state that does allow it. One of the very reasons I wouldn't live in a state where anyone can walk into a store and buy an AR like in the south 

    Yes the 2nd amendment says keep and bear arms and was written long before any and every nut job who wants to kill lots of people real fast could buy an AR. 

    Laws being successful passed in many states are being demanded by the people who are sick of seeing mass shootings. Democrats are only delivering the laws that people want and to a public reacting to the radical agendas of the NRA and other groups who insists everyone should be able to own these guns.

    That's another problem the NRA has is they think guys like me are a minority. We'll we're not and the NRA has turned alot of good gun owners away from their all or nothing movement 

    Dissection works both ways.



  7. 4 hours ago, Grouse said:

    So when the time comes to defend your right to freedom, we know who we can't count on to stand up.

    I'm a lifetime hunter sportsman who has no need to own an AR15 and high capacity mags and think they serve no purpose other than being able to kill innocents real quickly. But because of the NRA and rightwings lockstep stance on everyone having to have the right to own assault weapons or hair brained cases like nysrpa wanting everyone to be able to CC in Times Square it seems like I lose more rights as a sportsman hunter with everything Republicans do when it comes to gun legislation. Everytime I hear a republican legislator say I'm going to protect your rights I cringe:this:

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

    Believing that Babbitt was in the wrong and should have been lawfully detained and charged for her crimes is quite different than supporting the notion that she be summarily executed for them without due process , don’t you think ? 

    She breached a perimeter and there were others right behind her ready to fall in right behind her. People lose their right to due process everyday at the hands of police. Most justifiable, 

  9. 22 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    No, they were charged but all were bailed out by Democrats and only a few did not have their charges dropped by Democrat prosecutors.  Most were set free without any penalties.


    You gotta check your sources. Try sourcing from something other than a far right keep people scared n angry media source.

    • Haha 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    People who think the death penalty on the spot without due process is justice that fits the crime, for a tiny unarmed US female veteran protesting a stolen election, who could've easily been restrained and arrested, shouldn't complain when the government decides to infringe on all of your rights and shoot you when you resist.


    If you breach a safety perimeter in the Capital building or many other  guarded Gov locations then yep, death penalty on the spot could well apply. She was within 50ft of direct contact with America's most guarded individuals.

  11. On 12/6/2022 at 9:44 PM, luberhill said:

    Kinda pissed , had what I thought was a weird looking mole ,Derm Dr measured it and we have been watching it like 5 yrs

    Last week he removed it , yup , stage 1a melanoma … wtf

    A good buddy of mine had a substantial one removed from his back also requiring lymph nodes in his arm pits needing removal. That was well over ten yrs ago and he's been fine ever since. Although not a good idea he still drinks like a fish and spends a lot of time in the sun. 

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