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Gobbler Chaser

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Posts posted by Gobbler Chaser

  1. On 6/7/2022 at 12:56 PM, ApexerER said:

    I totally agree, i have been very fortunate.....to bad that fortune has been ruined by an installed president....

    Not sure how your blaming this all on Biden. Unemployment is at a record low. If there's one thing this economy can provide you it's another job. Employers are looking for people and wages have gone up. Working at the same place for a lifetime in America has been a thing of the past for a long time now. You might be surprised at what's out there as far as employment opportunities are concerned 

  2. 22 hours ago, Nytracker said:

    This is  why I always carry in the woods . Have had to many bear encounters in the last 15 years.  That and meth heads. 

    No meth heads around me but I carry a 1911 when I'm out in the woods.

  3. 1 hour ago, Four Seasons said:

    Exactly. Thing is that that whole generation was made to have fools like that. Video games, kids in school calling themselves and acting like Cats and 8 different choices when someone asks the question of their sex. Put all that in the pile with what the idiots in charge are doing to peoples lives today and you are going to see these types of things over and over. Ya know the strange thing is is that there are kids killed in about every Democratic ram state on a nightly basis that adds up to more then killed in this shooting yet it’s crickets on those stories. 

    Wow bub . You have 49 different reasons why except for the one that a whacked out nutsack can walk into a store and buy an AR with all the mags and ammo he can carry and start killing people?

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Engraver99 said:

    Always wondered why the elders were always reading the obituaries - Now I know! Having achieved the age of 62, I have encountered much death over the last year and a half.  On the personall side, My Father, My younger brother, my dog, my 2 cats - it's almost exhausting and truly depressing. Time is running out for some of us sooner than later and it's the only thing you can't buy more of. Enjoy each and every day as best you can. Damn wish I was 30 again or younger! you don't get it...until you get it! - sorry for the babble.

    Sorry for all your recent losses and your not alone on this. I know what your going thru Cuz and I'm sure others here feel the same way.

  5. 4 hours ago, BizCT said:

    I don’t understand how some of you guys on the forum think they can tell a gobble is 400yds away or 800yd or 1500yds. to think you judge distance that far based on sound with so many variables (wind, topography, etc.), seems quite silly.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    I can tell when their within a couple hundred yards and when they're close enough to be ready to position myself. But that's about it

    • Like 1
  6. Not hunting this season do to zero birds. Did get up and sit at the woods edge and listened, not expecting to hear gobbles because haven't heard anything all of last month. But did listen for shots and didn't hear a single shot either. Just confirming the complete deadness here in my area. Never thought I'd see the day. I'm at a point even if I did hear one now I wouldn't even call it.

  7. Just wondering if anyone here hunts Gobblers in the Shawangunk /Gardner regions, towns like Wallkill, Pine Bush, Walden, Crawford, Cragsmor. Like to know what you guys might be seeing, including last deer season turkey sightings and so far this spring. Not looking to move in on anyone's areas just a general consensus of numbers. 

  8. On 2/26/2022 at 9:05 PM, SportsmanNH said:

    Yup  16 months to be exact . And to present , there STILL is no evidence of any Russian money tied to Trump. But on the other hand , we know Biden through his drug addict scumbag son is tied to money laundering through Ukraine under the last Ukraine government who was in bed with the Russian Oligarchs , dont we. Oh and lets not forget the 1.5 Billion Chinese money payoff to the Biden Bunch . 

    Funny how guys like you bash media news for being fake and biased but then when you find an article that suits your narrative you put all your stock in it. LMAO. Just come out and say it. Your a Putin lover and enjoy seeing this huge super power killing people in a much smaller sovereign nation

  9. On 2/26/2022 at 8:45 PM, SportsmanNH said:


    Actually Chef , you are the one that is delusional , with Gobbly  Choker in a close second place right now . You know how much the New York Times and Trump didn't get along right ? Why would they write this article showing Trumps finances that shows Trump owes ZERO to Russian banks or Oligarchs ? He never did.  Only one reason , because its true. That bullshit was made up by Pelosi and Company .  Just like the dossier was proven to be bullshit .  



    Seems I frosted your balls some

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