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Gobbler Chaser

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Posts posted by Gobbler Chaser

  1. The companies that buy cats for the materials pay good money and have zero accountability. No questions asked. This perpetrates the problem makes it way too easy. Serialize them and have a data base set up, problem solved. The lowlifes will have to figure something else out to steal.  

  2. On 10/9/2022 at 9:22 AM, Nomad said:

    Thanks and I see I’m not alone ! I was devastated  when I couldn’t draw again . Time will,tell .

    Grab your crossbow and go hunting brother! You only get one life. When I get to that point you bet yer ass that's what I'm going to do 

    • Like 3
  3. I love my headlamps for getting into or out of my ladder stands. I'm not even sure how the hell I used to get up in a climber without a headlamp many years ago but I did. I use rechargeable headlamps now and love them because they're always at full charge. I use them all the time when I'm doing welding projects and have one Velcro'd to my welding helmet. When I'm working on saws or anything anymore I have one on 

  4. My Dad used to hunt wild boar and deer in Germany. A long family tradition. I traveled from Frankfurt to Cologne by train and it was miles and miles of reisling wines grape vineyards and there were elevated hunting blinds all along the trip. Mostly wood structures. Very cool set up overlooking shots that probably reached out 100s if not 1000yds of yards 

  5. 22 hours ago, Gobbler Chaser said:

    Bill Gates owns 1/4 of 1 percent of Americas farmland. The movement against America's farmland is nothing new and started long ago when corporations started buying up Family farms back in the early 1980s and way before. Now the agricultural giants/Wallstreet own the majority of the farmland that we receive our food from. Yep and that includes alot of foreign influence. Gates although very rich still has nowhere near the money to buy enough agricultural land to support the theory that he's planning on somehow starving the masses.

    I stand corrected. Gates only owns 0.027% of Americas farmland. But I'm still pissed at him for putting those micro chips into the COVID Vaccine he fooled everyone into taking. 

    • Haha 1
  6. Bill Gates owns 1/4 of 1 percent of Americas farmland. The movement against America's farmland is nothing new and started long ago when corporations started buying up Family farms back in the early 1980s and way before. Now the agricultural giants/Wallstreet own the majority of the farmland that we receive our food from. Yep and that includes alot of foreign influence. Gates although very rich still has nowhere near the money to buy enough agricultural land to support the theory that he's planning on somehow starving the masses.

  7. On 8/25/2022 at 8:06 PM, DoubleDose said:

    ...and your point is what?  This has nothing to do with DJT.

    My point is I'd rather see money go to education that giving billions away to corporations in the way of tax giveaways. Mango reduced the corporate tax rate with the same old promise of trickle down. Buts there's always money for wars and billionaire tax breaks

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  8. On 8/10/2022 at 7:19 PM, Nomad said:

    You’re recert is done for now, in three years you’ll have to go through the entire process that a person applying for the first time does , that’s when the 16 hour class, two hour live fire and written test comes into play .

    Most guys here don’t care as they think it doesn’t effect them lol . I bought a semi auto rifle two days ago, because of the Sept first deadline . Ammo wise idk the system won’t be in place that’s for sure ,will that stop sales idk that either . If It does I ve got tons of hunting ammo I’ll let go come Oct for $4 Or $5 a bullet , 20 round minimum. Because you know few stocked up , just like every other time ……it’s sad .


    So because your state passes bad laws you wanna stick it to fellow hunters by charging them 4 or 5 dollars a round. Nice. Not that it matters your misguided revenge scheme won't bring you many customers 

  9. Had a Sheridan Blue Streak with a 4 power scope on it. My old man couldn't figure why I needed a scope on an air rifle and rolled his eyes. Then after making some money I bought a German Weihrauch and that thing was bad assed in .177. Good times

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/9/2022 at 5:24 AM, wolc123 said:

    He shut down the Keystone pipeline and took other measures to squander America’s energy independence on his first day in office.  No single individual is more directly responsible for the high prices we are paying at the pump and the failing economy we are all experienced today.  The sad part is, he don’t know no better .  I am not blaming him when the fault lies entirely with the fools who voted for him.  Anyone with half a brain could see his incompetence by listening to a single sentence of his speech. 

    He did not shut the Keystone Pipeline. He shutdown the Keystone XL pipeline.  The Keystone XL was expected to transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas. From the refineries, the oil would be sent chiefly overseas—not to gasoline pumps in the United States. The pipeline would have done zero for the American public and the only benefit would have been to a large corporation in Canada. Get your facts straight.

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