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Gobbler Chaser

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Gobbler Chaser last won the day on August 24 2021

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  • Hunting Location
    Orange County
  • Hunting Gun
    Rem 700
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I've been so tied up with projects I haven't even been in the woods once this season. But reading you posts certainly stoked the embers. The leaves are changing and I'm getting things wrapped up and will be out very soon.
  2. Watch for cell phone idiots and deer. I sold my Harley two years ago after a real close call. At 65 I just decided I'm too old to get gimped up
  3. Better than the Republican Reich Wing party. Criminals and thugs led by a NYC con man and fraud.
  4. Funny I keep hearing people are fleeing NY in droves. But when a home goes up for sale around here it sells in a week, many with bidding wars selling for over listed price. Been that way for some time now. Also if everyone is leaving I'd think our homes values would be going down and you'd be seeing foreclosures and see for sale signs everywhere, none of which is happening? Businesses in NY are booming, contractors are booked two yrs out. People are renovated. Try calling calling a contractor, you'll see. Restaurants are busier than ever packed to the doors. NY city which everyone was writing off for dead 2yrs ago is booming, with a population increases which exceed pre Covid. Tourism, restaurants, clubs, infrastructure and building everywhere. Now this isn't only NY, Connecticut, Jersey, PA, New Hampshire, Mass are all the same. Unemployment is at record lows and the DOW has been hovering around 35k for two yrs now. If your not making money in the market now, I don't know what to say? I'm finally seeing roads being repaved here upstate everywhere. Highway improvements, state and town rds looking good. Far cry from the zero in infrastructure spending during Trump. And a common scary china theme? I'm not to worried about China, they need us and much as we need them.
  5. 3m is guaranteed doe permits as long as I can remember
  6. Can't even think about it. Got a couple that are nearing that time and it comes to mind everyday. Might even keep me from getting anymore. Guess I'm getting old
  7. I've gone old school and don't kill something unless I enjoy eating it or it creates some type of real nuisance now. And being that I don't have cattle in pastures no I don't shoot chucks.
  8. Many of the Stewart's sell none Eth. I run a couple gallons into my truck before I fill my cans just to clear the hose. I haven't had to rebuild or replace a carb or fuel line in any of my 2cycle or 4 cycle equipment in 3 years.
  9. I make my garage "Bounce" with the sound of 3/4 in drive Impact Guns, Air Chisels, Welding, Cutting Torches and Big Hammers.
  10. OK, I'm going to tell you guys a story. Years back as I was heading to my blind in the dark to dumb hunt turkey I was walking along the trail and got hit by that overwhelming sensation to take a dump. Well I took care of business and moved on to my blind and hunted the morning till about 10:30 and started to head back down the trail to go home. I came upon the spot where I did my business earlier that morning and a bear had eaten that big steaming pile of crap right down to the ground, yep completely gone. I've eaten bear meat in the past but it was that morning that I decided never again. Just ain't kosher.
  11. Been over to the other site, it's OK but this place has way more charm
  12. If I went to the doctor everytime I pulled a tick off of me I'd be there every week and taking antibiotics year round. Part of the logging business
  13. If the 2nd amendment will not be infringed then where has your right to own flamethrowers, grenade launchers, bazookas, gone. I'm glad I make you sick because you make me laugh, thankyou, lol
  14. The AR15 is a mass shooters weapon of choice. The majority of hunters I know don't own one and never will. I remember a time on this forum when you Doc were against them. I'll go as far to say the majority of AR15 owners are younger males, they are not sportsman's and could give a crap about hunting in any form. They like them because they're so "cool". Doing mag dumps and bragging about all the ammo they have stored is what most are all about. Just look at the AR15 videos on social media, nut jobs shooting hundreds of rounds into ponds or blowing up LP gas cylinders, overheating their barrels doing 100 Rd drum mag dumps and no interest in real marksmanship whatsoever. Duh I'll eventually hit it with a 100 rounds mentality makes us all look stupid. They are the ones effecting my rights as a sportsman and a firearm owner. Before this AR fade that only came about in the last 25yrs or so I could buy ammo without being scrutinized by the Govorment and buy a rifle in any store that no longer dares to sell em.
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