Funny I keep hearing people are fleeing NY in droves. But when a home goes up for sale around here it sells in a week, many with bidding wars selling for over listed price. Been that way for some time now. Also if everyone is leaving I'd think our homes values would be going down and you'd be seeing foreclosures and see for sale signs everywhere, none of which is happening?
Businesses in NY are booming, contractors are booked two yrs out. People are renovated. Try calling calling a contractor, you'll see. Restaurants are busier than ever packed to the doors.
NY city which everyone was writing off for dead 2yrs ago is booming, with a population increases which exceed pre Covid. Tourism, restaurants, clubs, infrastructure and building everywhere.
Now this isn't only NY, Connecticut, Jersey, PA, New Hampshire, Mass are all the same.
Unemployment is at record lows and the DOW has been hovering around 35k for two yrs now. If your not making money in the market now, I don't know what to say?
I'm finally seeing roads being repaved here upstate everywhere. Highway improvements, state and town rds looking good. Far cry from the zero in infrastructure spending during Trump.
And a common scary china theme? I'm not to worried about China, they need us and much as we need them.