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  • Birthday November 10

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    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Sailing,Skiing, Shooting

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  • Hunting Gun
    44 redhawk,Tikka 243,Marlin 30-30
  • Bow
    Z7 Extreme tactical LH

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  1. dragonfire grip sounds good. i don't hold onto the bow as often as i should in a stand because grip is so cold. Has anyone esle tried one of these?
  2. Got the same TS ones. Barronett's are less believe it or not and have the "t" ends on them. They are beefier also.
  3. I was gonna do the same thing but barronett sells different lengths very cheap. It's the shipping that's a killer.
  4. like new comes with Crimson Tracer laser 2 magazines with grip extenders $325
  5. correction, andrew cuomo does not want you to own guns.....
  6. Very accurate out the box and has a great adjustable trigger. Smooth bold too. I have a .243 that is very accurate. only wish they would import the LH 7-08 I would say it is a good choice.
  7. one more Plus for the Tikka. I have a T3 in 243. Fanastic trigger out of the box and easily adjusted + VERY Accurate despite light barrel + These 2 atributes out weigh the negatives. Plastic stock - too light -
  8. I am ready to pull the trigger on a good gun safe but now need to figure out how to move it from the curb inside the house. guess i need a reliable (and insured) moving company. Anyone have any personal experience ? thanks
  9. What is you load by weight?
  10. I don't think theycome out til nov 1
  11. any phone where you can access the miniSD card without taking the battery out. Or, what i use most of the time is my portable automotive GPS, it has a (larger) card slot
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