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Everything posted by bigV4x4

  1. I do my own butchering and was seeing if anyone aged there deer meat? I like to have the deer hang for at lest 3 days but only if the temp. is under 40-45 degs. Last hunting season we had a cold spell in the 20's and 30's in which I let the deer hang for almost two weeks. I put my deer in my shed which is insulated but not heated yet. It acts like a cooler holding the cold in during the day when the temp gose up. I think that the meat gets tender when aged just like beef.
  2. I have only one stand at this time. If the wind changes direction I just turn into the wind. I hunt it all year long from the first day bow to the last day of rifle season. The deer come in from all directions, its almost like cattle. My stand it in the middle of an opening of a large swamp where there are 5 streams the intersect at this point. It's like a natural border that the deer fallow right to me no matter what the wind is going.
  3. Well for the first 13 years of bow hunting it was " it's brown it's down" till I got my first deer/ buck two years ago. It was a 5 pointer. Last year I wanted to get bigger horns till I had a doe come in to me at 6 yards. The doe was standing there licking and scratching for the longest time, till I aid to my self it was stupid enough to get that close it wanted to die. lol I got a 6 pointer the nest weekend, my biggest buck to date. This year will be a lot different I'm going to hold out for bigger horns during bow season.
  4. I seen it in the BOOK that you can only have a light that is powerd by 2 AA's. that's not a lot of light though. I bring in at lest one flashlight and a headlight.
  5. Hey all just seen a Piebald tonight. 7/2 (almost pure White) whitetail Buck in Walden, NY to night. So cool. And nice horns forming too. Wide 4 pointer. All white but the hair between its horns. Its noise was are pink color also..... Didn't get time to take out my camara though.
  6. In 1998 in Orange County I was in a blind with one of my buddys that wanted to see what is was like to go hunting. I have my blind in between a large swamp and a heavily dense patch of 3" but 25 foot tall trees that you can only see into them about 20 yards. on the other side of the swaps is tall cliff that runs about 1500 yards long, a nice bottle neck for deerhunting. About 45 minutes till dark I seen brown moving in the brush, drew up my gun and was waiting to see if was a buck or doe. Too my surprise 30 yards away the animal jumped onto a downed tree and started walking up the tree and jumped off in the the swamped not to be seen again. It was a Mountain Lion. Would have to say about 130 lbs. big feet and ears with a long furry tail. My knee caps started to shiver and my buddy seen it aswell. I only told my family and some friends. I think there are Mountain Lions in new york but how many and if they are breeding I dont know.
  7. When I was about 19 years old. My older brother and I where on a blood trail of that my father had shot with his bow around Montgomery, NY. The both of use droped are gear, all but a AA flashlight each a knife and a tow rope and we were on the hunt. We fallowed the trail into heavy brush and 7' saplings. Struggling just to stand up and walk forward we heard the local fire horn go in. all of a sudden we were caught in the middle of a pack of yotes howling at the fire horn. they were between 40 and 100 yard away from us. For like 2 - 4 minutes the horn was going and the two of use dooked out of the brush as fast as we could. I didn't feel all the prickers that I had in my legs and arms til I was in my truck on the way home. Well we both went back the next morning and the deer was about 2/3 eaten, both rear legs and all of the inners gone. To this day I get a little jumpy of the sounds around me when walking out of the woods. One other time 2 years ago I walking to my blind in the after noon. I had to walk through 150 yards of 5 foot tall swamp grass when all I saw this big black thing 20 yeards away running. The first thing I did was grab a arrow and got ready. LOL well the bear was running away from me thank god. That was the first time I seen a bear in the woods. Crazy.lol
  9. I had my best year in 09 got a total of 7 deer. 3m the deer are like rabbits lol all over the place. good luck with the LT license. I think they went up too $765
  10. I hunt in 3m and I got 2 dmp when I got my buck tag and also got two more the 1st of November. I used them all up and got one signed over from my fathers. It was a good year for my 7 deer in total.
  11. no just sportsmen ( big game, small game, fishing) last year I just paid for my bow separately. might think about getting the lifetime bow this year if I have the money.
  12. Got my the day before the price increase. $600 is a lot but in 6 years it pays for itself. I get turkey tags and dmp also in the price. I also got two more dmp for my unit the first of November
  13. when I first started bow hunting at 14 years old there where two yearlings running around were i hunt by Montgomery. I stuck one of them with the arrow but lost the blood trial do to a heavy rain storm that came in. I was hoping to get one to match the one my father had killed in the early 80's which he taned it. I will try to get a pic of the piebald hide.
  14. I drive a 1995 GMC 1500. its not new but gets me around good. Its my hunting, Atv hauler. O I also drive a 08 Can-am Outlander 650 max xt. have about 1700 miles on it at this time.
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