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  1. Sale did not go through the gentleman could not find the time to come see it. It’s back on the market.
  2. $550 firm. I will not take less. 1 barrel is a 30” full choke the other is a rifled barrel with scope. Email [email protected] or call/text 814-720-9899.
  3. it doesn't say you have to have one. here is what the book says. Elk Guides: Elk Guides are regulated by the Game Commission and the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and offer various services to the hunter. Those individuals drawn for elk licenses will be provided a list of permitted guides. Elk guide permit applications must be received by the Game Commission by September 28.
  4. I think you have to have a guide for the elk hunt in pa. I don't know that for sure but i will check it. I think they have to be licensed. again i will double check.
  5. zag it is going to depend on you. R you the boss or head of the pack? if you are, then you will control the stiuation. good luck.
  6. I can buy a new one for 289 from traditions but i didn't want to spend that much. I have never paid over 275 for a flintlock rifle and i have bought 10. so i was hoping to find a used one for 150 to 200. it isn't hard to determine if one is not put together properly or if it hasn't been taken care of. so just hoping someone has one they want to part with.
  7. No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Nooooooooo Two things, first I live in PA, in an area with a good deer population. the first 8 years of AR i had to pass up 32 bucks. 4 of those bucks were huge. 3 were 6 points without brow tines and the other was a half rack 3. i was not happy. Also it has not changed the size of our deer in my area. we have always had a wide range of bucks in this area and we still do. I live in an area with a ton of public hunting access everywhere and does it get hunted. the deer i remember the most was a spike, it was my first deer and it was when i found out my father inlaw didn't hate me. focus on habitat, habitat, habitat.
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