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    Albany county

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    Region 4
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    2004 Mathews LX ,2018 Obsession Hemorrhage DE
  • HuntingNY.com
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  1. Alot of state run campgrounds have specific areas where you are allowed to hunt.
  2. Not far from where I live someone had there trailer stolen with equipment on from there driveway.
  3. Wow shocked it happened there. Grew up in Bellspond and West Taghkanic area when I was young and now you hear nothing but things in Hudson never in the country. Sorry and hope they find out you did it so it doesn't happen again
  4. Overtkill

    Tuna charter

    Good luck sounds like fun.
  5. Russian on a roast beef sub and thousand on a salad.
  6. Same thing here saw a group in the yard fly across the road and hang out in small field in front of house. Could not resist getting box call after I watched them go into the woods and got that tom gobbling and hen was yelping like crazy. Can not wait...
  7. Overtkill


    Was wondering if everyone has there calls ready for spring hunt. If so what is your goto call, a mouth, box, or pot? What company is your favorite?
  8. I am happy with my tidewe. They are true to size and comfortable. I have got large calves and no issue on or off.
  9. I did was shooting 70 found 60 a lot more comfortable
  10. Went out and walked 2 miles in and spent 3 hours out there in dead silence. I never heard or seen anything as if the woods were dead. No birds or squirrels just me.
  11. I have seen them back in the same field after being sprayed takes about a week. They moved to next field over still stayed in area.
  12. Just got mine what took the longest was waiting for someone to get to the register
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